Saturday, March 5, 2016

Rocha Andrade: Majority of families with children is “clearly benefited” with changes in the IRS – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal (corr.)

The Government ensures that the majority of households with children out “clearly benefited” replacing the family quotient by a specific deduction for child 600 euros. There are at least three times benefited more dependent than harmed, and families with children who pay taxes also stand to gain a value that, in total, amount to EUR 50 million. The arguments do not convince the CDS, who still prefer the previous system.

“Most households with dependent and most dependent are clearly benefited by measuring the lump. For the reason that most the families are placed in the lowest income brackets, “said Rocha Andrade, Secretary of State Tax Administration, questioned by João Galamba, the PS bench, which referred a complaint of the association of large families who opposes the change. The Secretary of State then presented data on the impacts of the change that is provided for in the state budget.

“Up to four thousand taxable income of EUR families do not pay the IRS. There are about 800 000 dependents to who either mechanism is indifferent – we have 800,000 children in families that have such a low level of income that pay IRS “he began by explaining, then detail the impacts million families with children who pay IRS

“of the remainder, about 800 000 dependents are in income ranges that are most likely to benefit, ie, are the second half of the first level and most of the second echelon,” he said, adding that “there are at least three more dependent times benefited than hurt by this tax option. ” Financial and aggregate, continued, “this medidastransfere about 50 million income return euros for families placed in the first and second-tier compared to what happens now.”

The explanations did not convince Cecilia Meireles CDS, which defended the family quotient “seems to have become a kind of more or less radical ideological banner and is a big mistake,” he said, adding after the virtues of the quotient: “what is in question is to realize a child is considered a person who is part of the household or is an expense as a graduate or works in a house “which has a specific deduction, he said, preferring the quotient system:” what is normal or natural is that divide the revenue by the number of people “, but the parties to the left” do not accept that a child is worth as a person, just accept it worthwhile as a graduate or works in a house, “he criticized.

(News corrected to 20:00. The government does not guarantee that 80% of families with dependent leave benefit, but ensures that the number of beneficiaries dependent is three times the number affected, ie at least 75% of dependent (and not of the families) leave benefit. News has also been updated with more extensive transcripts of the Secretary of State’s statements. Our apologies to readers and targeted)


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