Sunday, March 6, 2016

TAP’s shareholders meet in general assembly on Monday – Daily News – Lisbon

On the table will be the bond loan of EUR 120 million provided for in the TAP recapitalization plan

shareholders of TAP will meet on Monday in general meeting, confirmed to Lusa airline source, without disclosing the agenda.

on the table will be the bond loan 120 million provided for in the recapitalization plan of TAP, the Civil Aviation Authority (ANAC) has authorized, according to advanced the Business Journal on Friday.

the bonds will be underwritten by Blue and indirectly by the airline HNA, and the Portuguese State, under the new memorandum of understanding signed with the Atlantic Gateway consortium, the Portuguese businessman Humberto Pedrosa and American born in Brazil, David Neeleman.

on 19 February, the ANAC applied to TAP and Portugalia precautionary measures to prevent the taking of extraordinary management decisions within the framework of the purchase notification process by Gateway consortium of 61% of the share capital of TAP.

the FAA said at the time that the precautionary measures are enforced by “a period of three months” to evaluate the compliance of the operation with European standards which require that the effective control of holding companies of Community air transport license is to ” Member States and / or Member State nationals “.

However, the PS government has negotiated with the private consortium a reversal of the business, which led to a different capital distribution, with the state get 50% of the capital, and the Gateway with 45% and may reach 50%, with the acquisition of capital available to workers.

the agreement reached between the Government and the Gateway provides that the State pay EUR 1.9 million to get 50% of the company (instead of 34%).


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