Thursday, November 27, 2014

Secretary of State confident of “consistent fall” of … – iOnline

Secretary of State confident of "consistent fall" of … – iOnline

The Secretary of State for Employment, Octavio Oliveira, expressed his confidence in the “consistent fall” of the unemployment numbers, although the results released today by the National Statistics Institute (INE) show a “slight increase” in October.

According to INE, the unemployment rate (from 15 to 74 years) estimated for October was 13.4%, 0.1 percentage points more than estimated for September.

With the release of these results for October 2014, INE starts the monthly estimates of the Employment Survey for key labor market indicators (population employed and unemployed by sex and age group, and corresponding rates), in addition to the publication of the usual quarterly estimates.

Speaking to Lusa agency in Lamego, where the late afternoon today inaugurated the Training Center of the UGT, Octavio Oliveira said that it was “a slight increase in this rate relative to September.”

However, he stressed that the “path that continues to go is a consistent decline, lasting, unemployment, which has been held for six consecutive quarters.”

“It is a path we have traveled the decline in unemployment, the reduction of youth unemployment, long-term unemployment, creating jobs,” even with full-time hours and better on the nature the bonds, he said.

The Secretary of State said that despite this, as a responsible Government in the area of ​​employment, is not satisfied with the situation.

“It is still very worrying for the high level that is, for what it embodies respect to the Portuguese who are in this situation,” he added.

The secretary general of the UGT, Carlos Silva, considered for unemployment numbers have contributed factors such as “lack of private investment” and “investment needs of most companies in the country.”

On the other hand, said that while “the international agencies ‘rating’ not withdraw Portuguese debt garbage, companies will continue to encounter difficulties in obtaining finance.”

With Lusa


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