Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Brussels wants to fine carmakers who evade rules – Daily News – Lisbon

Brussels requires Volkswagen compensate European owners just like you did with the Americans

The European Commission wants Tighter rules for the automotive industry and presented this Wednesday a package of measures that, among other forms of deterrence environmental fraud, provides for imposition of fines on builders. Fines can amount to “30,000 euros” for each vehicle produced which does not comply with the rules.

European Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry and Entrepreneurship, the Polish Elzbieta Bieńkowska believes that these measures will be possible to avoid the repetition of cases such as Volkswagen.

“With these proposals (…) we will raise the quality and independence of the car testing and improve supervision of the cars already on the road”, considered the Commissioner at the press conference following the meeting of the College of Commissioners in Brussels.

“This complements our efforts to introduce the most robust emissions testing worldwide (…) to ensure that the more stringent limits on emissions are actually met, “he said.

To do so, Brussels should be empowered to” shut down “technical centers that are lax in assessing the car test results, to fine builders and tighten the rules for the approval of vehicles. The European Commission wants greater independence in the tests, which must now be carried out under real driving scenario.

“We need to tighten the rules, but also to ensure that they are effectively met,” explained the Commissioner for Employment, Growth, Investment and Competitiveness, Jyrki Katainen, considering that only in this way can “restore the level playing field and fair competition on the market [single]“.

While Brussels prepares these rules, has an ongoing investigation into Volkswagen, and is insistently demanding that the company proceed with compensation to European owners just like you did with the Americans. In the United States, owners of adulterated vehicles were compensated at about $ 1,000 in Volkswagen’s services.

In Europe, the German construction company refuses to put money on the table. Brussels has no power to force the company to pay compensation, but it can come up with some sort of community action against Berlin. For now, the commissioner does not rule out that possibility.


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