Sunday, January 24, 2016

Government maintains this year early retirement for long careers – Porto Canal

Lisbon 22 Jan (Lusa) – The government will keep this year the possibility of early retirement for workers over 60 years old and 40 years contributions to Social Security, provides the draft state budget for 2016 released today.

“In 2015 it was restored partially on the early access to pension for relaxation, for people over 60 years of age and 40 years of contributory career. This partial regime will be maintained in 2016, in order to proceed to a re-evaluation of the scheme of early retirement, “the document says that the government gave in Parliament and sent to Brussels.

The measure is elencada one of the outline tables State Budget and includes a number of others in order to “improve the sustainability of the pension system in the medium term”.

In January last year, the PSD / CDS government did publish a law decree reinstated temporarily until the end of 2015, the possibility of early retirement, which had been suspended in 2012 as a way to “promote the sustainability of the pension scheme of the welfare system Social Security.

In 2013, the same government introduced changes to the disability pension and old age Social Security system with the same objective of ensuring the sustainability of the system, such as increasing the retirement age.

In view of these changes, the Government realized that there was no justification to maintain in 2015 the suspension of the rules governing the matter on anticipating the age of entitlement to old-age pension under the flexible regime.

The Government considered that this transitional regime should be maintained for the year 2015, to allow “open the way, from 2016, to improve the input possibilities of the youngest in the labor market.

The ordinance 2015 also changed the rule Reduction of months in advance based on the years of contribution history, for the purposes of determining the overall rate of reduction of pension.

The months of anticipation began to be reduced to four months for each year of insurance record that exceeds 40 years, instead of the reduction of 12 months for each period of three years exceeds 30.

With this change, every year of contributory career of over 40 years became relevant to effects of reducing the number of months in advance, and the consequent penalty, making it advantageous to calculate the anticipated pensions of beneficiaries with longer contributive careers.


Lusa / End


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