Party considered “extraordinary” that PSD and CDS do not recognize “the electoral scam” the surcharge.
These positions transmitted by João Galamba Lusa, after the published data the Budget General Directorate (DGO), according to which the general government deficit was 4.5942 billion euros in 2015 in public accounting – a value which is 499 million less than in the initial state budget – and taxpayers will not get any surcharge refund paid in 2015 because the evolution of the personal income tax and VAT revenues during the year was not higher than expected in the state budget last year.
“When studying month November and December 2015, clearly note it is the results of efforts made by the current government to strengthen expenditure restraint, “argued the Socialist leader.
But these data DGO, João Galamba also pointed negative factors such as the case of the execution of public investment in 2015, “it will have been 500 million lower than expected, which is good to compose the result of the deficit, but it is extremely harmful for growth and employment”.
No refund of surcharge
yet as negative factors, the PS spokesman also noted a number of operations in the amount of 800 million euros, “which benefited the budget execution in 2015, but constraints on the implementation of 2016 “.
John Galamba then gave as examples the cases of family quotient, changes in taxation of investment funds and the European Resolution Fund ( the proceeds of which came in 2015, an expense made in 2016).
“All these operations blister budget execution in about 800 million euros”, advocated, before warning that the data from the DGO are public accounting, but the deficit in national accounts (the perspective of Brussels) will be in three percent in 2015.
With regard to the failure to return the IRS surcharge in 2016, the Socialist spokesman used the irony and considered “extraordinary that PSD and CDS-PP continue without recognizing the practiced electoral scam”.
“Given what was said on the eve of parliamentary elections, this is a scam EUR 320 million in terms of VAT and IRS revenue “, accused of the PS National Secretariat member.
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