The Council of Ministers has today adopted a special scheme to reduce the tax debts and Social Security, and the taxpayers be exempt from interest if they pay the entire debt or benefit reductions if you opt for payment in instalments.
The minister of the Presidency, Maria Manuel Leitão Marques, who spoke today at the press conference that followed the Council of Ministers, stated that it was approved the “special program of debt reduction to the State for those who have tax debts and Social Security that have not been paid within the normal time limits”, that is, until the end of may 2016, in the case of the debts to the Tax authorities, and by the end of December 2015, in the case of the debts to Social Security.
The outlines of the measure were explained by the secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs, also at the press conference, who said that the companies and families that have tax debts or contributory “may opt for a scheme of payment in full, with forgiveness of the interest and costs associated with, or opt for a payment in installments that can go up to 150 monthly instalments, with a reduction of interest all the greater the shorter the payment plan”.
The secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs, recalled that, in the regime currently in force, “the suspension of these processes, or the resource plans taxes require guarantees that are increasingly difficult to obtain in the financial market or banks”.
This situation will cause “great hardship to families,” and “enormous constraints to business”, namely the level of access to community funds and difficulties of the treasury, which hinder investment and job creation, defended Rocha Andrade.
Rocha Andrade explains the measure
The ruler explained this special program of recovery of debts to Tax authorities and Social Security “is intended for debts that have already been settled and that are in non-compliance”, that is, relate “primarily to the past years”.
secretary of State Claudia Joachim, for his part, added that, in the case of Social Security, the goal is to “enable the employers that settle this debt through a payment in full with forgiveness of interest or through a plan healthcare benefits that it may entail an initial effort more significant, but that allows you to complete the rest of the debt”.
To the secretary of State, this is “a way to allow many companies or individual entrepreneurs to regularize their situation in a time of economic recovery”.
according To Fernando Rocha Andrade, the tax debt has grown “about two billion euros” in the last three years, and there is a ‘stock’ of 25 billion euros in debt accumulated.
Already in the case of the debt contribution, the secretary of State for Social Security, Claudia Joachim, stated that “the net debt that can be covered is three thousand million euros”, but added that the companies that already have payment plans in instalments in the course may also be covered by this measure and, “in this case, the debt [to recover] will be of greater value”.
Asked this evening, in parliament, the secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs has recognised that the approval of the special regime that allows taxpayers to reduce the tax debts and Social Security can not contribute to the increase in tax revenue this year.
“I Confess that, at this point, I’m not sure if it will reflect in increased revenue or decreased revenue,” said Fernando Rocha Andrade.
Rocha Andrade confesses that the revenue of the current year may be affected
The governor replied to a question put by the deputy of the PSD Jorge Paulo de Oliveira on the measure adopted today in the Council of Ministers.
THE PSD said today that he “dropped the mask to the Government” with the advance of a special regime to reduce tax debts and Social Security, defined by the social-democrats as to admit of an “extraordinary revenue”.
“All the Portuguese had already understood that the implementation of the budget for the present year was not running well. The Government finally recognized-o., And acknowledged today to admit that you need a extraordinary revenue. Dropped the mask to the Government”, underlined the deputy of the PSD Duarte Pacheco, in statements to journalists in the parliament.
The words of the social democratic party came after the Council of Ministers have approved today a special regime to reduce the tax debts and Social Security, and the taxpayers be exempt from interest if they pay the entire debt or benefit reductions if you opt for payment in instalments.
Such, admits the PSD, “results from the “necessity” of the public accounts, and this may even be the first of the additional measures” agreed with Brussels “to avoid sanctions”
“it is One thing to be in the Government or support the Government, another is to be in the opposition,” added Duarte Pacheco, he criticized the political parties that enable the PS Government for its “incoherence” of releasing the barbs on the pardons tax released by the executive PSD/CDS-PP) led by Pedro Passos Coelho.
After this reaction the government decides to issue a statement:
1. It is not true that the Government has approved today a forgiveness tax. The Government denies categorically what has been approved a tax relief. There is no tax relief.
2. Companies and individuals will have to pay all the taxes owed.
3. The companies and individuals who adhere to this plan can only pay benefits, and to have an exemption of interest rates of the debt and court costs.
4. The goal of this measure is not the cash injection, but prepare the companies to recapitalizarem from January 2017.
1. It is not true that the Government has given up bank secrecy rules or dropped the DL of the bank accounts.
2. The Government today approved the part of the international measure that imposes restrictions on this matter.
3. The Government has made arrangements with the President of the Republic, which adiaria this measure when the circumstances invoked by the President of the Republic are outdated.
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