The ex-minister of Finance and current vice-president of the PSD believes that the country needs to "adjust the size of the banking national dimension of the market," because, he says, there seems to be no "market to sustain all financial institutions that exist".
Maria Luís Albuquerque left these warnings at the colloquium “The Banker – the Present and the Future”, organized by the Workers the Social-Democrats (TSD), holding that "Portugal needs to change its business model to banking” and its model of the economy.
on The sidelines of the conference, the current deputy of the PSD stated to journalists that the tax relief decided by the Government of António Costa has as its "first objective" to reduce the deficit this year. The first evidence is the fixing of the date of the 20th of December as the deadline for the process of regularization of debts to tax authorities and Social Security on the part of the defaulting taxpayers.
"maybe January would be a most appropriate period for the benefit of the companies, only that did not have the same effect on the deficit in 2016, so it seems to me that this is the first goal", underlined Maria Luís Albuquerque.
The plan of the debt settlement approved this week by the Council of Ministers “is the recognition, on the part of the Government, that the public accounts were far from being controlled”, by which the measure will be “one of which will be sent to Brussels next week, according to the requirements that had been made,” added the former minister.
Maria Luis refused to speak about concrete measures of the diploma claiming you don’t know, but said he heard that there are "other measures in preparation for responding to the deficit this year". The ex-minister referred to the postponement of the elimination of the surcharge to the IRS for some ranks, unnoticed by the PUBLIC.
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