Saturday, May 23, 2015

Steps: to restore the progressions in the civil service would “cost a lot … – publico





The Prime Minister, Pedro Passos Coelho, recognizes that “it is very difficult to make a clear commitment” as the thawing of career progression in the civil service, because it is associated with “a very high cost.” The priority is, for now, to restore wages and invest in development for workers through performance bonuses of payment.


                         “It’s very difficult to make a clear commitment on the question of career advancements. I think today the PS also did not. And it is no accident, it is because we know that this has a very high cost. I think unlock progressions only 2011 would cost 300 million euros – and every year we add would be hundreds of millions [of euros], “Passos Coelho said in an interview with Observer


“It’s one of the most delicate problems that have to be resolved and for which there is no magic solution,” he said. “We got here a compromise. Which means that solutions are neither simple nor elegant, but that will have to be supportable by the pace of our recovery, “he added in the interview published in the newspaper online .

For Prime Minister, “first is more important to replace wages”, but “we can not spend four years without showing any solution that dimension.”

To enhance the public career, Passos Coelho argues that is taken back the desemprenho assessment processes, “which can be linked bonuses linked to career progression.” “This will be one of the mechanisms to be used to go releasing the progression in public careers,” he promised.

In the preparation of the State Budget for 2015, the Government came to put on the table the gradual replacement of progressions career, but eventually gave up the measure. Only allowed the payment of premiums to 2% of employees in services to commit not to increase both staff costs, keeping a rule that was already in 2014.

In the interview, the prime Minister says that the proposals presented by PS serve to establish whether the Budget Treaty shall be respected “on the contrary”. “But that has to do with being the center or not. There are measures presented by PS economists who are perfectly liberal – I do not endorse. But are liberal, “he said.

And gave as an example” the whole mechanism that appears to corporate restructuring, supporting the idea of ​​a single contract “and the conciliatory dismissal.

” A mechanism of these is a fairly liberal mechanism – and to get really amazed that a party like the PS, who never agreed to review a concept even in a just cause, contrary to what happened with the socialists in Italy, which were reviewed and well further in the labor reform, accept deep a system that allows fire, albeit at a higher cost, “he said.



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