Friday, August 14, 2015

Ricardo Salgado belies news ‘false and fanciful’ the Sun weekly – Digital Journal

According to the banker, the content highlighted on the front page of the weekly is a ‘News’ false, with “well-known” motives. In addition to confuse facts, nothing but “pure falsehood and fantasy.”

According to the article the Sun, five months before the collapse of Banco Espírito Santo, Ricardo Salgado transferred its most valuable assets to the woman’s names and three children.

its statement after disprove the newspaper’s content, Ricardo Salgado says the posture of the Sun “not surprising”, and the headline of Friday is just “another episode of” saga “initiated by the publications dominated by Álvaro Sobrinho [former president of BES Angola] for the sole purpose of damaging the image and good name of Dr. Ricardo Salgado (…). ‘

Read here in full, Ricardo release Salgado:

1. In its edition of August 14, 2015, the Sun newspaper published a “news” with the headline, “Salgado transferred fortune to his wife and children.” Adds even on the first page that “Ricardo Salgado spent his assets, amounting to 1,800 million euros, for his wife and three children, before the collapse of the group. But the ploy eventually did not prevent the arrest.”

2. This “news” is false and continues a behavior whose motivations are well known. Confuses changes in the composition of the Board of Directors of a company with the transfer of goods, says “273 buildings and 346 fractions that passed for Salgado’s wife” which is a pure falsehood and fantasy. Assigns the property seized to the Nau Stone, SA a value of 1.8 billion euros which is also another pure fantasy.

3. The only transfer of shares of the Nau Stone, SA performed by Dr. Ricardo Salgado was a minority position without significant relevance, giving effect to a decision taken long ago and with full transparency.

4. The posture of the “Sun” is not surprising. This is just another episode of “saga” initiated by the publications dominated by Álvaro Sobrinho with the sole aim of damaging the image and good name of Dr. Ricardo Salgado and impute to others their own responsibilities as leader of the BESA. The reasons for this “saga” are obvious, but well demonstrate the lack of credibility of these publications.

In response to the statement of Salgado, weekly insists on the veracity of the news and publishes copies (and excerpts ) documents – the newspaper – support the clear information on the issue on Friday.

However, copies of documents published in the electronic edition of the Sun refer to, one, part of the notarial seat seizure of goods (to May 15 this year), but with no indication of the holders of foreclosed real estate, while the second copy reproduces in full a letter of Ricardo Salgado of March 28, 2014 and addressed to the supervisor of the Nau Stone society, realizing the resignation of the entity’s management office of President and quality loss a shareholder of that company.

Still, the newspaper claims to be the conservatory of information in possession of the land register, according to which the banker gave up ownership of the property of the estate in favor of women and children.


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