Thursday, October 6, 2016

Questions and answers about debt settlement – Public.en

What debts are covered?

you Can join the Special Program of Debt Reduction to the State (PERES) taxpayers-individuals and companies whose debts to the Social Security have not been paid within the normal term up to 31 December 2015; the scheme also covers the debts to the tax authorities that were not paid until 31 May 2016 (according to the Government, has been set this term to the PERES cover the debts of the IRC relating to last year).

The special scheme to "catch" those who fled to the tax authorities?

According to the Government, not, applies to offences committed by a breach of the debt that the State has knowledge. The PERES, says the Ministry of Finance, addressed to the taxpayers "who have fulfilled their tax obligations (and whose claims are known to the tax authorities and Social Security), but have not been able to pay the debts of its". The measure ensures the Government is not a forgiveness of taxes, nor an amnesty to the criminal to whom it adhere. The office of the prime minister issued a statement to deny "categorically that it has been approved a forgiveness" of the debt. "There is no forgiveness tax", he insists, explaining that, "companies and individuals will have to pay all the taxes owed," and that the reduction in respect of interest.

What is the period of membership?

The beginning of the program is dependent on the entry into force of the decree-law that creates the PERES. The possibility of membership will extend until December 20.

How is it that the debt can be paid?

The value can be remitted at once or in instalments. Those who opt for the payment in full by the end of this year" is exempted from the payment of the accrued interest refers to the Government in the communiqué of the Council of Ministers. If a taxpayer opt for a plan healthcare benefits benefits from a reduction in interest and can pay off the missing value up to 150 monthly instalments, that is, over 12 and a half years. There is no need to provide a guarantee. There is a condition for those who adhere to the plan in installments: the initial payment has to correspond to 8% of the value of the debt.

What reduction there will be in interest?

it is not Yet known. The more time a company or a citizen take to pay, the smaller is this decrease. To the PUBLIC, the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security has confirmed that the reduction will be designed "in function of the number of benefits concerned, with a higher exemption to a smaller number of instalments".

And what happens to the legal costs?

According to the Ministry of Finance, who join the PERES may be free or have a reduction of the amount of legal costs in the cases opened because of non-compliance. Also provides that the fines are mitigated.

When there is a judicial process, what happens?

If a citizen or business makes a payment of the debt associated with in the framework of PERES, adherence to the regime "does not prejudice the progress of the judicial process," he explained to the PUBLIC the Ministry of Labour, Solidarity and Social Security.

Who already has a plan healthcare benefits to the Social Security can join?

Yes. The accession "will take place on the same terms of the remaining taxpayers with the debt contribution to Social Security", explained the ministry led by José Vieira da Silva.

What is the difference in relation to the exceptional regime of 2013?

The Exceptional Regime for Settlement of Tax Debts and Social Security (RERD) released in 2013 allowed for the payment in full or in part, but not a payment in instalments. That is, a taxpayer could pay part of the debt (getting waived of interest and costs proportionate to the amount paid), continuing to run tax pursuant to normal (as in the current program, which also happens). The difference is that the PERES allows you to choose for the regularization step.


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