Thursday, October 6, 2016

The house committee approves text-the basis of the PEC of the ceiling of expenses –

In a session that was marred by riots throughout the day, the special commission in the Chamber that analyzes the Proposed Amendment to the Constitution (PEC), which establishes a ceiling for the public expenditure approved, on Thursday (6), by 23 votes in favour and 7 against, the base text of the opinion of the rapporteur, mr Darcísio Perondi (PMDB-RS). Initially, the vote was symbolic, but, as there was a check-in request, is passed to the electronic panel.

To complete the vote, however, the deputies still are going to analyze eight suggestions that may alter portions of the report.

Since it was presented by the economic team of the government, even in the first half, the project faces resistance on the part of sectors of society. Parties opposed to the president Michel Temer, for example, argue that, if approved, the proposal will represent the “freezing” of social investments, such as in the areas of health and education.

The proposal, which still needs to pass in the plenary of the house and Senate before becoming law, the expenses of the Union can only grow as the inflation of the previous year. The bill establishes that this calculation will be for the next 20 years, but, from the tenth year, the Palace of the Plateau may present another basis.

In 2017, however there will be exception in the areas of health and education, that only they will obey the limit from 2018, according to the government. Currently, the Constitution specifies a minimum percentage of the collection of the Union that should be allocated to these sectors.

throughout the session, the deputies took the opportunity to present their points of view. For the leader of the Network, Alessandro Molon (RJ), the imposition of a ceiling on spending for health and education will cause Brazil to become a “most unequal”. In the session, he stressed not be contrary to the control of expenditure, since social spending does not have limitation.

“This PEC freezes social spending. Nothing against that cut the cats and we will face the deficit, but that we begin by our benefits. (…) We will start giving the example. We will limit our spending, not spending on public health,” he said, adding that, if it were not so, the PEC would be approved “with a large margin”.

Also contrary to the PEC, mr Jorge Solla (PT-BA) said that the proposal is the “PEC of wickedness”. In the same line, mrs Luciana Santos (PCdoB-PE), national chairman of the party, has thickened the chorus: “I Will have the fight!”.

Favorable to the PEC, Silvio Torres (PSDB-SP), in turn, argued that the country lives a “chaotic situation” and that, to him, it will get worse if there is not a ceiling for spending. “It is time to look at the reality that Brazil is experiencing,” he said.

then, the deputy Eduardo Cury (PSDB-SP) reasoned that the balance of revenues and expenses is “unbalanced”. “Who pays the bill can not stand more. We have to have limits,” he said.

For the case of a change in the Constitution, the PEC only will be enforced after being approved in two shifts in both the house and the Senate and receive at least 308 votes of deputies and 49 senators.

With the aim of guaranteeing this support, the government has intensified in recent weeks, a marathon of meetings, dinners and breakfast meetings between members of the economic team with parliamentarians.

One of the outcomes of these meetings was the announcement by the five parties of the basis combined with (PMDB, PSDB, PSD, PR and PP) of the so-called “closing question” around the proposal. In practice, this means that if any deputy of those parties vote differently from the orientation of the acronym, you may be punished by the caption.


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