Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Plastic bags will be paid from February 15 – publico

Plastic bags will be paid from February 15 – publico





Plastic bags are going to cost tens cents from February 15, although the Reform Green Taxes enter into force on Thursday, said on Tuesday the Ministry of Environment.


                         “Under the reform of the Green Taxation, all light plastic bags become subject to a contribution of eight cents plus VAT [ie 10 cents]. The directive regulating the entry into force of this standard provides for a transitional period, “the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy.

This transitional period of 30 days, gives” more adaptability to the new rules by the whole chain of production, distribution and marketing of plastic bags, as well as the sale of stocks and raw materials, in line with what the industry has defended “, considers the Ministry led by Jorge Moreira da Silva.

“From the 30th day, ie January 31, producers and importers have to go to collect the contribution of light plastic bags to retailers and traders, which will be delivered the Tax and Customs Authority (TA). These bags, already subject to contribution may only be available to consumers 45 days after publication of the regulatory ordinance, “the Ministry of Environment.

According to the authority,” so, after 45 days of publication of the decree, that is, February 15, consumers will only have to choose plastic bags already subject to contribution “ten cents.

In addition to creating a tax on plastic bags, the reform of the Green Taxation introduces a carbon tax that will have an impact on the costs of fuel and energy.

According to figures Galp confirmed by the Portuguese Association of Oil Companies (APETRO) who rely on the Government’s opposition , the carbon tax is an additional 1.5 cents per liter for diesel and gasoline, calculated based on the price of five dollars per ton, which was still add the cost of the introduction of alcohol in gasoline (another 2.5 cents) and higher bond inclusion of biofuels in diesel (1.1 cents).



The same desire to end of year: ECB and IMF want more stimulus … – Express

The same desire to end of year: ECB and IMF want more stimulus … – Express

There were combined, but agreed in the end of year wishes. Peter Praet, chief economist of the European Central Bank (ECB) reiterated this holiday season there is a “sense of urgency in action” and that the central bank “will reassess the situation early next year.” Praet said in an interview with German financial newspaper “Boersen-Zeitung”, published on Wednesday, there is a real risk of “an economic vicious cycle” and that companies are to confine to a bad situation “1% 1% growth and inflation. ” Praet not think that we should call this new era of “poor” (as considered the International Monetary Fund), but a new reality “closer to a Keynesian underemployment equilibrium”

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Remember that the goal set by the ECB since September is to increase its balance sheet by one billion euros. In the three programs launched in September, October and November, still only injected 244 billion, including a fiasco in refinancing line 2018 called TLTRO (a conditioned line by mandating banks financing the real economy) that in two operations in September and December had only one looking for 212,44 billion euros, while the amount available was 400 billion


Analysts interpreted the answers Praet in an interview with German financial newspaper as signaling the ECB likely to advance in the first quarter of 2015 to a sovereign debt purchase program

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Meanwhile, Christine Lagarde published on Wednesday an opinion article in the Italian newspaper “Il Sole 24 Ore” entitled “Three challenges for governments in the world that do not want to resign themselves to stagnation “, which reaffirmed that” an accommodative monetary policy remains necessary while growth remains anemic, although we must be very attentive to the risk of potential effects “.

The main recipient is the ECB and the blocking forces within it, as the Bank Japan continues its program of “quantitative and qualitative relief” with great vigor and the president of the Federal Reserve US, Janet Yellen, promised that the most powerful central bank in the world will be “patient” in 2015.

The director general of the International Monetary Fund pointed out the three challenges of the year: fight for growth or resign themselves to stagnation; improve stability or succumb to weakness; and act together or isolated



IRS Reform and green taxation come into effect tomorrow – Economic

IRS Reform and green taxation come into effect tomorrow – Economic



Price of gasoline and diesel increases for the year, ie tomorrow – EN Journal

Price of gasoline and diesel increases for the year, ie tomorrow – EN Journal

Today is the last chance to fuel deposits. The diesel and gasoline prices will increase next year, which starts within hours. The filling stations expect an increase of affluence during the day.

The government calls it “green tax”, who works in the fuel sector refers to a “tax increase”, but as the consequence there consensus:. diesel prices and gasoline will increase within hours, upon finishing the last day of this year

2015 and an imminent increase in prices at the door, many consumers must seize the day today for a run on petrol stations. “Obviously increase consumption,” as anticipated the president of the Portuguese Association of Oil Companies (APETRO), Anthony Long, cited by Lusa.

In addition to the price increase, the fact that it is a festive period reinforces the expectation as to “be some affluence” above normal to gas stations:. “There are many people moving out of their residence usual places to celebrate the end of the year in different stops”

“Do not be surprised” if demand is higher than it has been registered at the end of last year, said Anthony Long, confident that “the filling stations are properly provisioned to meet demand.”

A trust that is not shared by National Fuel Dealers Association (ANAREC), who prefers to warn “some inconvenience” that may occur, especially since “people will leave to the last minute” supplies, as noted by the Vice President ., José Reis

The leader, however, is more “concerned” about rising prices inherent to solid green taxation in the State Budget for 2015: “It is a situation that concerns us because fuels could this time to be with a lower price than in Spain and, from now, let’s stick with the higher prices. “

” With the approval of the State Budget for 2015 and the law of green taxation there is a likely increase in fuel prices through tax “, accused the president of APETRO, ensuring that this increase” is to be paid by the consumer. “

The current prices are around the values ​​practiced in 2010, but the situation will change within hours, with the end of the year and the entry into force of green taxation associated with the budget for 2015.

Throughout this year, the government was denying the anticipated increases by oil and by industry professionals. Galp was the first to reveal that the increase in prices will be around five cents per liter diesel and 6.5 cents in gasoline, resulting denied by the executive, but that was also presented on forecasts of APETRO.


Plastic bags will be paid from February 15, indicates … – Digital Journal

Plastic bags will be paid from February 15, indicates … – Digital Journal

“Under the reform of the Green Taxation, all light plastic bags become subject to a contribution of eight cents plus VAT [ie 10 cents]. The directive regulating the entry into force of this standard provides for a transitional period, ‘says the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy.

This transitional period of 30 days, gives a’ higher ability to adapt to new rules by the whole chain of production, distribution and marketing of plastic bags, as well as the marketing of ‘stocks’ and raw materials, in line with what the industry has defended », considers the Ministry led by Jorge Moreira da Silva.

“From the 30th day, ie January 31, producers and importers have to go to collect the contribution of light plastic bags to retailers and traders who will be delivered to the Tax and Customs Authority (TA). These bags, already subject to contribution may only be available to consumers 45 days after publication of the regulatory ordinance, “the Ministry of Environment.

According to guardianship, “this way, after 45 days of publication of the decree, that is, February 15, consumers will only have to choose plastic bags already subject to contribution” ten cents.

In the creation of a tax on plastic bags, the reform of the Green Taxation introduces a carbon tax that will have an impact on the costs of fuel and energy.

According to figures Galp confirmed by the Portuguese Association of Oil Companies (APETRO) who rely on the Government’s opposition, the carbon tax is an additional 1.5 cents per liter for diesel and gasoline, calculated based on the price of five dollars per ton, which was still add the cost of introducing . alcohol in gasoline (another 2.5 cents) and higher biofuel inclusion of obligations diesel (1.1 cents)

Digital Money with Lusa


Plastic bags will be paid from February 15 – Journal News

Plastic bags will be paid from February 15 – Journal News

“Under the reform of the Green Taxation, all light plastic bags become subject to a contribution of eight cents plus VAT (ie 10 cents) . The directive regulating the entry into force of this standard provides for a transitional period, “the Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy.

This transitional period of 30 days, provides “greater ability to adapt to new rules by the entire chain of production, distribution and marketing of plastic bags, as well as the marketing of ‘ stocks’ and raw materials, in line with what the industry has defended “, considers the Ministry led by Jorge Moreira da Silva.

” From the 30th day, ie January 31, producers and importers have to go to collect the contribution of light plastic bags to retailers and traders, which will be delivered to the Tax and Customs Authority (TA). These bags, already subject to contribution may only be available to consumers 45 days after publication of the regulatory ordinance, “the Ministry of Environment.

According to the authority,” so, after 45 days of publication of the decree, that is, February 15, consumers will only have to choose plastic bags already subject to contribution “ten cents.

In addition to creating a tax on plastic bags, the reform of the Green Taxation introduces a carbon tax that will have an impact on the costs of fuel and energy.

According to figures Galp confirmed by the Portuguese Association of Oil Companies (APETRO) who rely on the Government’s opposition , the carbon tax is an additional 1.5 cents per liter for diesel and gasoline, calculated based on the price of five dollars per ton, which was still add the cost of the introduction of alcohol in gasoline (another 2.5 cents) and higher bond inclusion of biofuels in diesel (1.1 cents).


Plastic bags will be paid from February 15 – Daily News – Lisbon

Plastic bags will be paid from February 15 – Daily News – Lisbon

Plastic bags are going to cost tens cents from 15
 February, although the Reform Green Taxation enters into force
 on Thursday, said the Ministry of Environment.

 the reform of the Green Taxation, all light plastic bags
  become subject to a more VAT than eight cents contribution
 [Or 10 cents]. The directive regulating the entry into force
 this standard provides for a transitional period, “the
 Ministry of Environment, Spatial Planning and Energy.

  transitional period of 30 days, provides “greater ability to
 adaptation to the new rules by the whole production chain,
 distribution and marketing of plastic bags, as well as the
 disposal of ‘stocks’ and raw materials, in line with what the industry
 has advocated “, considers the Ministry led by Jorge Moreira da

“From the 30th day, ie January 31, producers and
 importers have to go to collect the contribution of bags
 lightweight plastic to retailers and traders, which will be delivered to
 Tax and Customs Authority (TA). These bags, already subject to
 contribution may only be available to consumers 45 days
 after publication of the regulatory ordinance, “the Ministry of

According to the authority, “so, after 45 days of
 publication of the decree, that is, February 15, the
 consumers only are offered plastic bags already subject to
 contribution “ten cents.


Higher turnout at the petrol pumps in goodbye to the Year – Digital Journal

Higher turnout at the petrol pumps in goodbye to the Year – Digital Journal

The president of the Portuguese Association of Oil Companies (APETRO), Anthony Long, told Lusa that “there may be some affluence” above normal to gas stations, since “there are many people moving out of their normal places of residence to celebrate the end of the year at different stops. “

And that, he added,” obviously increase consumption, “considering that Anthony Long” will not be surprising “if there is a higher demand than normal and that “filling stations are properly provisioned to meet demand.”

Less optimistic is the National Association of Fuel Dealers (ANAREC), which warned of the possibility of “some inconvenience” at service stations, due to higher turnout is expected for Wednesday.

José Reis, vice president of ANAREC said in a statement to Lusa that this is a situation that the “concerned” because ” people will leave to the last minute “to go supplying cars and” save a few euros “, warning that” there will be some inconvenience. “

In addition, the ANAREC vice president pointed out another yet concern:. the increase in fuel prices from January through the entry into force of the state budget for 2015 and the reform of the Green Taxation

“It’s a situation that concerns us because fuels could this time to be with a lower price than in Spain and, from now, let’s stick with the higher prices, “said José Reis, whereas this is particularly serious in the case of offices situated” along the border, “once that it is “absolutely impossible supply here’s side.”

The president of APETRO, for its part, points out that “with the approval of the State Budget for 2015 and the law of Green Taxes ago a likely increase in fuel prices through taxation. “

Recognizing that this increase” is to be paid by the consumer, “said Anthony Long is possible that this will lead the Portuguese to try to anticipate the automobile supply for the last day of the year, but that it “will never have a big influence because the ability to anticipate [the consumer] is limited to the capacity of the tanks of cars.”

The fall in prices of petroleum products led to the decline in fuel prices at service stations in recent weeks to values ​​below those in 2010, which will dilute the increase through the state budget and the reform of the Green Taxation.

The evolution fuel prices in 2015 led to a heated discussion between oil companies and the government, with the accounts of both sides to differ with regard to the value for the increased uptake of biofuels.

The accounts of Galp give an additional five cents per liter diesel and 6.5 cents in gasoline next year, resulting from worsening road service contribution, as provided in the State Budget, the carbon tax, contemplated in the reform of Green Taxation and even the incorporation of biofuels (provided for in Decree-Law 117/2010).

The government came several times to reject this result, which led to APETRO to redo the accounts and to corroborate an increase of . 5 and 6.5 cents for diesel and gasoline, respectively

Digital Money with Lusa


Associations now expect the busiest stations … – iOnline

Associations now expect the busiest stations … – iOnline

The last day of 2014 will be marked by a greater flow to the fuel filling stations, according to industry associations, given that is the end of year and that prices increase again in January.

The president of the Portuguese Association of Oil Companies (APETRO), Anthony Long, told Lusa that “there may be some affluence” above normal to gas stations, since “there are many people moving out of their usual places of residence to celebrate the end of the year at different stops. ”

And that, he added, “obviously increase consumption,” considering that Anthony Long “would not be surprised” if there is a demand greater than normal and that “filling stations are properly provisioned to meet search “.

Less optimistic is the National Association of Fuel Dealers (ANAREC), which warned of the possibility of “some inconvenience” at service stations, due to higher turnout is expected for Wednesday.

José Reis, vice president of ANAREC said in a statement to Lusa that this is a situation that the “concerned” because “people will leave to the last minute” to go supplying cars and “save a few more euros, “warning that” there will be some inconvenience. ”

In addition, the ANAREC vice president also pointed out another concern: the increase in fuel prices from January through the entry into force of the state budget for 2015 and the reform of the Green Taxation.

“It’s a situation that concerns us because fuels could this time be at a lower price than in Spain and, from now, let’s stick with the higher prices,” said José Reis, whereas this is particularly serious in the case of offices situated “on the border”, since it makes “absolutely impossible the supply side”.

The president of APETRO, for its part, points out that “with the approval of the State Budget for 2015 and the law of Green Taxation there is a likely increase in fuel prices through taxation.”

Recognizing that this increase “is to be paid by the consumer,” said Anthony Long is possible that this will lead the Portuguese to try to anticipate the supply of the car for the last day of the year, but that it “never will have a great influence because the ability to anticipate [the consumer] is limited to the capacity of containers of cars. ”


Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Historical closing the enlargement of the euro – publico

Historical closing the enlargement of the euro – publico





                         Despite the turmoil that still haunts the euro zone, entry into the single currency club the third and last of the Baltic countries, Lithuania (Estonia and Latvia had already entered, in 2011 and 2014), comes close emblematic form of a growth cycle which is still far from covering the entire European Union (the 29 member countries, only 19 use the euro, continuing the ten to use the old national currencies). And closes emblematic form because this joining the euro, there is a stro ng symbolic side: the Baltic States, which cut with the former Soviet Union categorically in 1990, are to integrate fully in Western Europe and to move away Eastern Europe. And if Estonia and Latvia have the lowest deficits in the EU, Lithuania follows in their footsteps: a deficit of 1.2% of GDP (less than half of the required in the euro area) and an increase of 3.5% in economy. This while the euro shakes …



Natural gas tariffs come in 2015 without changes – Business Journal – Portugal

Natural gas tariffs come in 2015 without changes – Business Journal – Portugal

The energy regulator revealed that prices of gas supplies “will not suffer any change in the near term,” contrary to what will happen to the electricity tariffs.

The Regulatory Authority for Energy Services (ERSE) decided not to move in natural gas rates that will be in force in the first quarter of 2015, according to a statement released by the governor on Tuesday.

“In the assessment of conditions of the natural gas market, it is appropriate to not change the transitional rates of sales to final customers into force for all natural gas supplies, “the statement said ERSE.

“In these circumstances the prices of transitional rates of sales to final customers for natural gas supplies will not suffer any change in the near term,” the energy regulator.

Under the phasing process of regulated tariffs, both in electricity and natural gas, ERSE became quarterly reviews of the transitional rates, getting up to you stir or not the prices.

In the case of natural gas in July this year the new tariff approved by ERSE introduced an increase of 2.4% prices. The climb was then due to the growth of the burden of the natural gas network infrastructure in Portugal.

In a statement released now, ERSE does not explain the reasons for not changing the natural gas tariffs in January . Although the costs of gas infrastructure continue to press rates for the supply of this product, the decline in oil prices in recent months, which usually natural gas is indexed, will be offset, in favor of consumers, need for rate increases.

At the end of March to ERSE should return to rule on whether or not to change the natural gas tariff for the second quarter 2015.


TAP unions that are against privatization turn to the PS – publico

TAP unions that are against privatization turn to the PS – publico





A meeting with the Government, other knocking on the door of the opposition. While the nine unions of TAP who accepted the privatization begin meetings with the Government, the three unions that continue to speak out against the sale of the company, and not canceled the strike, decided to return to the PS. The plan is to meet with the Secretary General of the party, António Costa, who will be the candidate for prime minister elections next year.


                         In a statement, the three trade union structures (the Crew National Union of Civil Aviation, the National Union of Workers of Civil Aviation and the Union of Workers of the Aviation and Airports) announced that they would “ask for a meeting, a matter of urgency” António Costa. “These three unions represent more than 60% of the company’s workers and hold together in what was the reason for its creation: to oppose the privatization of TAP”, the statement said. The socialist leader has said more than once be against the sale of the company.

On Tuesday, the remaining nine unions had the first meeting with the Government, said the Secretary of State for Transport, Sergio Monteiro, at a press conference. Among the items discussed was the issue of limitations on collective redundancies, a point that “is not defined yet,” said the official, without any further details, but remembering that government policy has been to choose the path of termination by mutual agreement. “We have already reduced more than 3200 people in the sector. We did not do a single collective redundancies, “he said. The minister also said that the company needs, “the medium term”, 300 million euros, “or even a little more,” to buy airplanes and grow.

These unions reached an agreement last week with the Government, accepting cancel the strike in order to take part in the contract documents to be presented to potential buyers of the company. The Government intends that the document is ready to be taken on the advice of ministers on 15 January. Privatization means the initial sale of 66% of the company (including 5% workers). The remaining capital will be sold by the State within two years if the buyers meet a number of requirements.

At the press conference, Sergio Monteiro also said that civil requisition decided by the Government to ensure the flights during the four-day strike “was fully respected.” This means that there will be no disciplinary proceedings that the company had already threatened the workers who did not comply with the request (the three unions that the strike had not desconvocaram however appealed to his employees to introduce themselves to the service).

According to Secretary of State, with the TAP flights operating normally, the carrier was able to recover “a little more than half” of about 35,000 bookings canceled because of the strike notice, which represented a financial loss around 6.5 million euros. Were transported 112,700 people over the four days.



Regulated tariffs for natural gas without increases in Q1 – Journal News

Regulated tariffs for natural gas without increases in Q1 – Journal News

Already last September, ERSE had decided to leave unchanged the natural gas prices for the last quarter of 2014 in relation to customers of the regulated market, taking into account the “supply conditions in international markets” .

According to the data for the third quarter of this year, collected by the regulator, there are currently about 630 thousand consumers in the regulated market. Other 744 000 are in the open market and which are not covered by the transitional rate.

The Council of Ministers adopted on 18 December, a legislative amendment authorizing the government to define by ordinance the final date the transition to the free market in gas and electricity, as regards household customers.

Until then, it was anticipated that the extinction of regulated tariffs for these customers would occur in late 2015, but this time “there is a mandatory date” for this change, said at the time the Secretary of State for Energy, Artur Trinity.


Portuguese rose less but paid more with the ATM – RTP

Portuguese rose less but paid more with the ATM – RTP

This Christmas, also increased the number of withdrawals and purchases made with the ATM. This year, there have been 41.8 million of withdrawals from ATMs Network ATM, amounting to 2,766 million euros.

In the same period, were carried 83.6 million of purchases of 3,460 million euros from the MB terminals.

Still in 2014, there was an overall increase in volumes processed in the network
 SIBS “of 3.9 percent in the number of transactions and 2.5 percent in
 amount transacted “, according to a statement released this afternoon by
 SIBS (Interbank Services Society).

In 2013, both the number of surveys as purchases were lower, respectively 41.7 million and 78.9 million. Have the sum total of surveys was then higher in the order of 2,773 million euros. Lisbon is the district with more surveys and
 shopping, followed by Oporto and Setúbal. The three account for more than half
 . of operations carried out in the ATM

The amount of money spent on purchases in transato year was lower than in 2014:. 3,301 million

The range of values ​​between 2013 and 2014 shows that the number of withdrawals increased by 0.2 percent, although the amount of such drives have fallen 0.3 percent.

Considered the period between 2013 and 2014 in the case of purchases paid with cash machine, the number increased by 5.9 percent to a level which increased 4.8 percent.
More hotels in and less on fuel
 Between 1 and 15 December this year, the purchases in supermarkets account for about one third of all purchases made in the ATM.

The payments in retail trade also represent about a third of the total amount processed in ATM terminals. The average value of purchases on the Internet, in the first half of December, is 72 euros. The average in-person purchases (customer moves to the store) is around 40 euros.

According to the SIBS, the Portuguese spent less this Christmas in fuels. Payments made in gas stations dropped by about 3 percent in number and 7.8 percent in value.

As for restaurants and hotels, the numbers are more encouraging. Payments made in these areas increased by more than 10 percent in number and 8.3 percent in value, accounting for more than 106.5 million euros traded

tags.: Fuels, Shopping, Euro, Hotels, Christmas, ATM Network, Restaurants, Payments,


Banco Popular formalizes interest in the sale of the New Bank – publico

Banco Popular formalizes interest in the sale of the New Bank – publico






The Spanish People’s Bank formalized with the Portuguese authorities its interest in following the sale of the New Bank, advancing on Tuesday the Spanish agency Efe and Europa Press.


                         In a letter sent by the bank chaired by Ángel Ron the Portuguese authorities, the Spanish bank, which is present in Portugal, states that want to analyze the conditions of sale of the financial institution.

The online edition of the Spanish newspaper Five Days , citing aa private agency Europa Press, contends that the People’s Bank admits the possibility to make a bid to acquire the New Bank “when the time comes.”

The Bank’s interest People that do not mean it will submit a proposal, referred to EFE quoted by Lusa, joins the same intention already expressed by Banco Santander.

The People’s Bank Group, founded in 1926, is the fifth banking group in Spain. In Portugal, Banco Popular Portugal has 180 agencies, according to information provided on its website.

Other stakeholders
In Portugal, Banco BPI has also made official its interest in acquiring institution that resulted from the division of Banco Espírito Santo (BES) in good bank and bad bank.

The national business newspapers have reported that the Chinese Fosun and the US American Apollo also have expressed interest in buying the Portuguese institution which is officially on sale, but the information is not official.

Potential buyers have until this Wednesday, December 31, to formalize in writing your interest in the New Bank with BNP Paribas, the organization contracted to assist the operation.

The New Bank was born on August 3, when the Bank of Portugal took an intervention in the BES, dividing it into bad bank, which has concentrated toxic assets, and good bank, which changed its name to New Bank. This is currently held by the Resolution Fund, the responsibility of leading national banks, which injected EUR 4900 million in the new institution.

Since the first time it is planned to sell the New Bank, process is expected to accelerate in 2015 start.



Industrial production suffers the biggest drop of the year – Economic

Industrial production suffers the biggest drop of the year – Economic



BCP falls more than 4% and presses Lisbon – Economic

BCP falls more than 4% and presses Lisbon – Economic



Popular formalizes interest in the New Bank – Business Journal – Portugal

Popular formalizes interest in the New Bank – Business Journal – Portugal

It is the fifth potential candidate to buy the New Bank. The People’s Bank has formalized the interest in the institution, according to sources quoted by the Spanish group Europa Press. The bank warns, however, that is not committed to submit any proposed purchase.

After the BPI, Santander, Fosun and Apollo, also the People’s Bank, which already is present in Portugal, formalized the interest in the New Bank, according to sources of the institution led by Ángel Ron cited by Europa Press agency. Expressions of interest from Spanish group brings to five the number of potential candidates for purchase of bank led by Eduardo da Cunha Stock.

According to sources quoted by Europa Press, the letter to the Portuguese authorities in showing their interest in continuing to study the New Bank and how it would fit in their growth plans. And while stressing that the People are not committed to submit a bid for bridge bank, the institution sources They state that the letter admits the possibility of making an offer to purchase “when the time comes.”

Popular is present in Portugal since 2002, when it acquired the National Credit Bank (BNC), then controlled by Portuguese businessman Américo Amorim. It is the fifth institution to formalize their expressions of interest in the New Bank, a prerequisite to enter the race to buy the bridge bank.

According to the timetable set by the resolution fund, investor New Bank , and the Bank of Portugal, expressions of interest in the bank led by Eduardo da Cunha Stock may be submitted up to 17 hours this Wednesday, December 31.


Lisbon Airport today reaches 18 million passengers – Economic

Lisbon Airport today reaches 18 million passengers – Economic



Charges for public-private partnerships fall in 2013 – Journal News

Charges for public-private partnerships fall in 2013 – Journal News

In its analysis to the 2013 State General Account, to which Lusa had access, the Technical Unit of Budget Support (UTAO) states that “face to the verified in 2012, in 2013 there was a reduction in net costs incurred with public-private partnerships (PPP) “, EUR 99 million, which corresponds to a contraction of 9.3% year on year.

But despite the annual reduction in costs of PPP in 2013, the implementation “ presented an unfavorable global deviation when compared with the initial budget estimate, “writes UTAO.

With regard to the total net charges,” the implementation of deviation was 84.1 million (9.5%) “and this deviation “concentrated at the level of road PPP (61.9 million) and health sector PPP (24.1 million).”

With regard to road PPP, gross charges showed a higher implement budgeted at 83.8 million euros (were effectively paid 805 million, up from 721 million originally forecast), also having been higher revenues (were charged 294 million euros instead of 272 million budgeted).

With regard to health PPP, the State Budget for 2013 provided that represent charges of 377 million euros over the year, which eventually exceed EUR 24.1 million (6.4%).

Still, the burden of PPP decreased in 2013 over the previous year, a behavior that was mainly due to road PPP, whose net charges fell 24.4% in 2013 over the previous year to EUR 511 million, a nominal decrease of 165 million euros.


Monday, December 29, 2014

Charges for public-private partnerships fall in 2013 – News Minute to

Charges for public-private partnerships fall in 2013 – News Minute to

The net charges of public-private partnerships (PPP) fell in 2013 over the previous year, but there was an “unfavorable global deviation” of almost 85 million euros compared to the budgeted, according to UTAO.

In its analysis to the 2013 State General Account, to which Lusa had access today, the Technical Unit of Budget Support (UTAO) states that “face to that seen in 2012, in 2013 there was a reduction in net costs incurred with PPP “, EUR 99 million, which corresponds to a contraction of 9.3% year on year.

But despite the annual reduction in costs of PPP in 2013, the execution “had an unfavorable global deviation when compared with the initial budget estimate,” writes UTAO.

With regard to the total net charges, “the implementation of deviation was 84, 1 million (9.5%) “and this deviation” concentrated at the level of road PPP (61.9 million) and the health sector PPP (24.1 million). “

relation to road PPP, gross charges showed a higher implement budgeted at 83.8 million euros (were effectively paid 805 million, up from 721 million originally forecast), also having been higher revenues (were charged EUR 294 million instead of the 272 million budgeted).

With regard to health PPP, the State Budget for 2013 provided that represent charges of 377 million euros over the year, which turned out to be higher 24.1 million euros (6.4%).

Still, the burden of PPP decreased in 2013 over the previous year, a behavior that is mainly due to road PPP, whose charges net fell 24.4% in 2013 over the previous year to EUR 511 million, a nominal decrease of 165 million euros.

According to UTAO, this reduction of the net cost of road PPP was due, first, to a “reduction of 129 million euros in gross costs of road PPP” and on the other to an “increase of EUR 36 million in revenue from road PPP, including toll.”

However, and contrary to what was found in the road PPP, charges relating to the health sector increased 22.9% in 2013 year on year, reaching EUR 401 million, “which represents more than 75 million euros that expenditure in the previous year, “according to UTAO.

The independent technical support that parliament consider that this annual increase in costs of health care PPP was due to” increased clinical activity of hospitals in operation “and” operational the Vila Franca de Xira Hospital. “

” The increased clinical activity of health facilities resulted in an annual increase of respective charges by about 16% and the entry into operation of the new building of Vila Franca de Xira Hospital will result in a 62% increase in charges to the infrastructural aspect, “reads the note.

Already the PPP charges for rail sectors and security recorded annual reductions in 2013, but “less significant”: the burden on the railway sector fell seven million euros to 10 million and the security PPP fell by two million to 46 million in the case of PPP security area.


Greek scholarship relieves losses to about 3% and drags other … – Business Journal – Portugal

Greek scholarship relieves losses to about 3% and drags other … – Business Journal – Portugal

The Athens stock exchange fell as more than 12% after knowing that the Government did not get the votes required for the election of the President. But have alleviated much of the fall and goes down less than 4%. The most affected markets are Italy, Spain and Portugal.

The Athens stock exchange even lost more than 12% after the votes for the election of the President and knowing that the votes were not enough to avoid a political crisis in the country. However, the trend has been eased and the main stock index in Greece follows the falling 3.89% to 264.929 points

The falls between listed Greek are widespread, especially for banking:. Eurobank (-7 , 73%), National Bank (-7.10%) and Alpha Bank (-3.26%), and the Greek banking came to suffer losses of two digits.

Another highlight was the manager of the falls of chance games OPAP (-3.68%) and telecom operator Hellenic Telecommunications (-2.84%).

But the falls in the bag are not unique to Athens. European stock markets follow all falling, with particular emphasis on the other peripheral countries. Italy and Spain lose more than 2%. Portugal more than 1%. The remaining stock indices retreat less than 1%. Fears that the political crisis intensifies in Greece and has impact on peripheral countries is what is the condition the investors.

The alarms are also sounding the sovereign bond market. The Greek interest rate of reference, 10 years, is rising 130.4 basis points to 9.805%.

But in the short time you are registering the highest appreciation. The interest rate to three years is gaining 154.6 basis points to 11.997%. The five years, the rate rises to 122.2 points 10.293%.

In this last round of the presidential were needed 180 votes, a total of 300, to elect a new President of the Greek Republic. The only candidate to replace Karolos Papoulias was Stavros Dimas, supported by the government of Antonis Samaras.

Greece face so new elections, at a time when SYRIZA leads in the polls, according to the survey of Rass held on 21 December, after winning the European elections this year. The left coalition led by Alexis Tsipras has pledged to reduce the austerity burden in the country if elected, what caused the mistrust of the European authorities in relation to a possible rise to power of Syriza.

Greek Parliament now has 10 days to be dissolved and early parliamentary elections must be called within 30 days. The election will thus take place between 25 January and 1 February.


Algeria asks OPEC cut production to raise oil prices – State Mail

Algeria asks OPEC cut production to raise oil prices – State Mail

The OPEC (the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) should reduce oil production for the commodity prices increase and thus defend the resource inputs of its members, said Minister of Energy of Algeria, Yucef Yusfi on Sunday (28).

“OPEC should intervene to correct the imbalances promoting cutting production to raise prices and defend the resource inputs of its members, “said Yusfi.
Country-OPEC member, Algeria, gets 95% of its external inputs of resources from the exports of oil and gas.

The statement came after Saudi Arabia, the main producer of OPEC, announced last week it would not reduce its production even if the barrel of oil was US $ 20

“As a policy for OPEC, and I convinced OPEC to this, even Mr al-Badri [the secretary general of OPEC] is now convinced, is not in the interest of producers Opepcortar your production, whatever the price, “said oil minister of Saudi Arabia, Ali al-Naimi, in the last 22.

” If it goes down to $ 20, $ 40, $ 50 or $ 60, it is irrelevant, “he said.

In a decision taken on November 27, OPEC decided not to cut oil production, despite a reduction in prices, marking a change strategy to defend its market share.

The price of Brent crude in London, which earlier this year was over $ 100, now gravitates around $ 60.


UTAO: Charges for public-private partnerships fall in 2013 … – Business Journal – Portugal

UTAO: Charges for public-private partnerships fall in 2013 … – Business Journal – Portugal

UTAO: Charges for public-private partnerships fall in 2013 but less than expected

The net charges of public-private partnerships (PPP) fell in 2013 over the previous year, but there was an “unfavorable global deviation” of almost 85 million euros compared to the budgeted, according to UTAO.

In its review of 2013 State General Account, to which Lusa had access today, the Technical Unit of Budget Support (UTAO) states that “face to that seen in 2012, in 2013 there was a reduction in net costs incurred with PPP” by 99 million, which corresponds to a contraction of 9.3% year on year.

But despite the annual reduction in costs of PPP in 2013, the execution “had an unfavorable global deviation compared with the initial budget estimate, “writes UTAO.

With regard to the total net charges,” the implementation of deviation was 84.1 million (9.5%) “and this deviation” concentrated -If the level of road PPP (61.9 million) and the health sector PPP (24.1 million). “

With regard to road PPP, gross charges showed a higher implement budgeted in 83.8 million euros (have actually been paid 805 million, up from 721 million originally forecast), also having been higher revenues (were charged 294 million euros instead of 272 million budgeted).

With regard to health PPP, the State Budget for 2013 provided that represent charges of 377 million euros over the year, which turned out to be higher by EUR 24.1 million (6.4%) .

Still, the burden of PPP decreased in 2013 over the previous year, a behavior that is mainly due to road PPP with net charges fell 24.4% in 2013 over the previous year, to to EUR 511 million, a nominal decrease of 165 million euros.

According to UTAO, this reduction of net cost of road PPP was due, first, to a “reduction of 129 million in gross costs of road PPP “and on the other to an” increase of EUR 36 million in revenue from road PPP, including toll. “

However, unlike the which was found in the road PPP, the charges for the health sector increased to 22.9% in 2013 year on year, reaching EUR 401 million, “representing over EUR 75 million that expenditure in the previous year” according to UTAO.

The independent technical support that parliament consider that the annual increase in costs of health care PPP was due to “increased clinical activity of hospitals in operation” and ” operational the Vila Franca de Xira Hospital. “

” The increased clinical activity of health facilities resulted in an annual increase related charges in about 16% and the entry into operation of the new Vila Franca de Xira Hospital building will result in a 62% increase in charges to the infrastructure component, “reads the note.

Now the PPP charges of railways and safety recorded annual reductions in 2013, but “less significant”: the burden on the railway sector fell seven million euros to 10 million and the security PPP fell by two million to 46 million in the case of the security area of ​​PPP .
