Sunday, December 28, 2014

TAP: Memorandum to the Government is “a hand full of nothing” – TVI24

TAP: Memorandum to the Government is "a hand full of nothing" – TVI24

The Union of Workers of the Aviation and Airports (SITAVA) considered this Saturday that the memorandum signed by nine unions and the Government is “a hand full of nothing”, accusing the Executive only “want to buy time.”

Contacted by Lusa, the leader of SITAVA Paulo Duarte considered that the memorandum signed between the Government and nine unions TAP, which on Wednesday desconvocaram the strike marked the period between now and Tuesday, “is a handful anything ‘and that’ does not ensure “the airline’s maintenance in the state sphere and the future of workers.

“What the government says is going to discuss, but if we do not reach agreement who prevails the government’s position. This is not to accomplish anything, it was just to buy time ‘, considered the union.

On the other hand, Paulo Duarte said that will not be given veto power with workers’ representatives on the board advisory on the company’s future. “The nine unions will participate in an advisory board without the right of veto. I do not know what decisions can be well taken ‘, he said.

In a note sent on Saturday to its members, the nine unions TAP that on Wednesday desconvocaram the protest say they will have a say in strategic decisions for the company’s future by participating in an advisory board: ” It was decided that until 31 January 2015, the unions and the board of directors of TAP, with the guidance of the Government, shall resolve all disputes interpretative underway in the field of company agreements, of all companies in the group. ”

The SITAVA was one of three unions that kept the notice of strike on TAP, after remaining nine unions (12 of which together had submitted strike pre-announcement for the period between Saturday and Tuesday), have desconvocado the stoppage.

The three unions said they acatariam civil requisition enacted by the Government and on Saturday, calling on officials of the TAP presenting themselves for service during the strike period.

The SITAVA, which notice of strike only concerns 29 and 30, still waiting for the court decision on the request that made for an appeal of civil requisition decreed by the government, said the union leader Lusa.

Paulo Duarte said workers should report to the service until the court has ruled and that if the decision is challenged by the request shall be complied with only the minimum services decreed for the strike period from that moment.

The decision to relaunch the privatization of the airline, suspended in December 2012, sparked a wave of opposition that culminated in the marking of this strike for a platform that brought together 12 trade unions, to which the government responded with the imposition of a civil request to TAP employees, to minimize the impact of downtime thinking in particular of families who are at Christmas.

Lusa tried to contact TAP, but so far has not been possible.


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