Saturday, February 28, 2015

Banif reduced staff in 463 workers and closed 72 … – Jornal da Madeira

Banif reduced staff in 463 workers and closed 72 … – Jornal da Madeira

Banif accelerated the implementation of measures envisaged in its restructuring plan, reducing the staff of 463 employees and closed 72 branches last year, the bank said today.
“As part of the ongoing transformation process, the year 2014 was characterized by strong acceleration of measures under the restructuring plan, in particular by anticipating the plans Closing agencies and reorganization of the central services and commercial intermediate structures, “he said in a statement the organization led by George Thomas.
Banif noted that” despite the negative impact in terms of restructuring costs recorded in 2014, these measures were considered critical to enabling the adjustment of the bank’s business model, given the current regulatory and economic, and that will constitute the strengthening of cost reductions from 2015, including “.
As regards the number of bank branches in Portugal, there was a decrease of 72 agencies bet ween December 2013 and December 2014.
already with regard to its staff, the number of group employees in December 2014 stood at 2,733 employees, a figure that compares with 3,196 employees in December 2013, ie an annual reduction of 14.5%.
In terms of Banif SA, ie the domestic activity of the bank the reduction was even more significant, and ended the year 2014 with 1,935 employees, compared to 2,328 that had in December 2013, ie a reduction of 17%.
“To achieve this objective was essential to implementation of a voluntary severance program, early retirement and early retirement which involved about 400 employees, “the bank



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