Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Leads: the proposal of parents to improve results – TVI24

Leads: the proposal of parents to improve results – TVI24

The president of the National Association of Parents Confederation defended on Tuesday increased investment in students to reverse the culture of retention (leads), considered by the National Education Council as the most serious problem of the education system.

Speaking to Lusa, Jorge Ascension stressed that CONFAP has defended several times the need to “change the culture of retention for a certification culture.”

“Instead we are to follow a path of retention as improvement process that has not given results – the retained students end up falling into a vicious cycle of retention – we must realize the difficulties of each, their greatest weaknesses and try to support these difficulties for young people to overcome and achieve the goals, “he explained.

The president of the National Education Council ( CNE), David Justino, argued that the high student retention rates (leads) are “the most serious problem of the education system ‘, which want to see on the agenda of parties and public policies.

At a press conference presenting the recommendation of the CNE to the Government on the retention in primary and secondary education, David Justino said the need to bring the subject to political discussion, saying it should be on the agenda of the parties, if want to fight the phenomenon involving about 150 thousand students in the education system (public and private), with a cost of about EUR 600 million, if it is assumed that each student costs the state about four thousand euros per year.

For Jorge Ascension, the change goes through a ‘greater investment in prevention and monitoring’, to provide “more likely to achieve the goals and that students are able to achieve what is intended in the program “.

“The issue of retention has proven to have not solved a lot,” reiterated, stressing not be the way ‘snug’, and advance to be proved by some studies’ that is not by holding that has improved the learning ‘.


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