Friday, August 7, 2015

Economy Minister accuses opposition of not believing in the ability of the Portuguese – Daily News – Lisbon

The Economy Minister António Pires de Lima, said Tuesday that the opposition, when disagrees with the reduction in unemployment numbers, is saying “who does not believe in the Portuguese” and the ability of the private sector.

“It is not worth looking at these data with euphoria, because it is not justified, but surely they have a 11.9% unemployment rate is much better than what we had a year ago, nearly 14%,” said the minister on the sidelines of a visit to tourist enterprises in Lisbon.

He added that the decline in the unemployment rate to 11.9% in the second quarter is “much better” than the numbers in first quarter two years ago, “when the unemployment rate peaked at 18% in Portugal.”

“The Portuguese economy has generated 230,000 net jobs over the last 30 months,” he pointed Saucer Lima, defending the merits “of the companies is, is the private sector, the state does what it can to make life easier for companies.”

The minister assured never have put the merits of job creation ” in political, let alone the Ministry of Economy, “and ranked the decline in unemployment as” sign of confidence and hope for all those who continue to look for an opportunity to work “in the country.


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