Sunday, February 5, 2017

Armenian Carlos: Government must reveal if there are “secret agreements” about labour law – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

Can the understandings in social dialogue hang changes to the labour legislation this year? The Government has to clarify whether or not there were “secret agreements” or “gentlemen” in this sense, says Arménio Carlos, in an interview to the Business and to the Antenna 1.

Asked about the statements of João Vieira Lopes, who said two weeks ago that it is not foreseeable that there will be “major changes” to labour law throughout this year, Armenian Carlos claims that this issue has to be clarified.

“If there is some agreement the Government and the confederations of employers say this: we made a gentleman’s agreement that does not touch on the labour legislation. And from there the conversation goes in another,” he said, on the program ” Conversation Capital.

After you have argued that the agreements signed between the PS and the PCP, Left Bloc and The Greens are “practically exhausted” and that should be negotiated new material on labour law, the secretary-general of the CGTP, and a member of the central committee of the PCP advocates that should be found commitments on collective bargaining in the Parliament before the discussion on social dialogue.

“In the social dialogue we have come to realize that the employer confederations will seek to the maximum to avoid any change,” he said. “What we will have is the need for the Government to realize that this situation is not maintain and seek to find solutions in the Assembly of the Republic and to reinforce a little more its intervention in social dialogue so that you do not let yourself get held hostage, in this particular case, of the employer confederations,” he added.

that The document that was the target of an understanding in the social dialogue provides for, in its version of December, which this year serves essentially to “discuss”.

“to Discuss during the year 2017, following the Green paper on Labour Relations, that the Government is committed to present in January 2017, an integrated assessment and shared the labor framework, with a view to concluding an agreement subsequent that includes these matters”, the document reads.

In mid-December, when the agreement between the Government, UGT and the employers were still being negotiated, the newspaper i reported that the proposals for reversal of the measures of the troika that were to be submitted by the PCP and the BE would be sinkers because of the negotiations for the agreement.

That was one of the main claims of the employer confederations, as explained António Saraiva, CIP, in October.

two weeks Ago, the proposals for the increase or replacement of 25 days of holiday has been confirmed at the Parliament. The Government has said that it does not approve these measures because it is not contained in the Government’s Program.

The interview the Armenian Carlos made in the program Conversation Capital will be published by the Business in its entirety this Monday, February 6.


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