Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Marcelo argues that the descent of the TSU helps the economy – the guardian

the President of The Republic argued on Tuesday that the lowering of the TSU helps the economy, constituting a stimulus to investment, and the IPSS, and fills a void created with the end of the regime came from the previous Government.

Invoking also the defense of social dialogue, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa has justified its decision to promulgate, with urgency, the decree-law approved by the Government on Monday that establishes a descent rate by 1.25 percentage points of the unique social tax (TSU) paid by employers.

“Why is it that was quick on the promulgation? Because there was a void: no longer apply the regime that came from the previous Government, which was a discount of 0.75%. There is an emptiness now, therefore, it punishes the entities, including business, and it was necessary to quickly fill this void, with the new regime. Hence the urgency of the enactment”, she declared to journalists, in the Palace of Belém.

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