Bosses, UGT and the Government signed on Tuesday, the Commitment to an Agreement in the Medium Term, which provides for the increase of the national minimum wage for 557 euros, and the descent of the Unique Social tax (TSU) by 1.25 percentage points.
In a joint statement, the confederations of employers say that “this commitment is proof of the responsibility of those who signed it, and beware their interests, but, above all, by emphasising common goals and ensuring social stability”.
THE UGT, which also signed the commitment, reaffirmed in a statement, treat yourself to a “tripartite agreement fundamental.”
For the UGT, the agreement is critical, because “I have ensured that the 01 January 2017 workers in the lowest salary to see increased the minimum wage in the 27 euro”.
from The perspective of employers, this is “a commitment of the greatest importance”, once that safeguard the competitiveness of the productive fabric, by establishing the counterparts of the immediate essential for companies to be able to absorb the impact caused by an increase in the minimum wage higher than that which would be in line with the criteria of economic objectives dictated by the evolution of the inflation, productivity and competitiveness,” reads the announcement.
The joint position of the Business Confederation of Portugal (CIP), Confederation of Farmers of Portugal (CAP), the Confederation of Commerce and Services Portuguese (CCP) and the Confederation of Portuguese Tourism (CTP) refers that “created the conditions for the Social Dialogue is valued (…), enhancing thus its contribution to social peace and economic development”.
The confederations of employers ‘ manifest to be “quiet as to the certainty” that the commitment will be fully complied with, noting that it is “created a solid foundation for the Government and the social partners subscribers can, in a climate of stability and serenity, to agree upon measures that truly promote the improvement of the productivity and competitiveness of enterprises, the income of workers and the well-being of society in general”
UGT makes it clear in the statement that “the non-appreciation, or devaluation, of the Commitment, is to benefit the offender,
UGT remember that not value the agreement rewards also those who “never contributed to the solutions on this seat [Social Dialogue], assumed not only in the defense of workers, but of the national interest”.
in addition, the UGT calls on all political actors to that at the moment does not stop to take a posture of “coherent and responsible” with your past, analyzing this tripartite compromise “for what he is: an agreement of a global nature, with important measures for the workers, companies, the economy, employment and for the country.”
This afternoon was published in the Diário da República decree-law that establishes the descent of the TSU by 1.25 percentage points, hours after having been promulgated by the President of the Republic.
Approved by the Government on Monday as a counterpart of the agreement reached in the Social Dialogue on the 22nd of December, without the CGTP, which established an increase in the national minimum wage (NMW) from 530 to 557 euros, the decree-law no. 11-A/2017 creates what is described as “a measure of an exceptional employment support, through the reduction of social security contribution rate, the position of the employer”.
In terms of the diploma – which takes effect from February 01, and is intended for companies with employees covered by the minimum WAGE and only on the contributions for these workers – this “as exceptional” reduction of 1.25 percentage points of the TSU will be “application for a year”.
the Second reads, in the text of the decree-law, “the reduction of social security contribution rate refers to the contributions relating to the salaries due in the months of February 2017 and January 2018, which include all amounts due the title of holiday allowances and Christmas”.
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