Monday, April 13, 2015

Enforcement officers are not computer system for over 48 … – Digital Journal

The enforcement officers (debts) are more than 48 hours without computer system, with solicitors who complain of being “unable to meet deadlines” due to occurred malfunction.

Contacted by Lusa, José Carlos Resende, president of the Chamber of Solicitors, confirmed that the computer system that serves enforcement officers “was down” last Thursday, was resumed sixth -Thurs though very slowly, but had to be “off” that day, at 17:00, to try to solve the problem.

However, oped more than 48 hours the system (SIAAE) is not yet operational, requiring enforcement officers to return to the old system of sending letters.

The private company that ensures the maintenance of the computer system is trying to solve the problem and there are expectations that even today enforcement officers can access the historical processes, but the system of standardization is still unknown.

Given the gravity of the situation and difficulties caused by system failure, the Chamber of Solicitors will issue soon , a statement on the matter.

An enforcement officer informed the Lusa that enforcement officers are, in practice, no computer system there are already five days, having been only informed that the “technical problems encountered in last Thursday not exceeded, despite the efforts made throughout the weekend, in which were involved teams of the Chamber of Solicitors,

the CASE and IBM. “

The enforcement agent stressed that these solicitors are thus “unable to work and meet deadlines.”

The president of the Chamber of Solicitors reminded Lusa that during the long failure of Citius, in the new judicial map start, agents execution were faced with even greater difficulties in performing their work, hoping for the computer company contracted to ISAAE reactivate the system as soon as possible.

Digital Diary with Lusa


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