Saturday, April 11, 2015

Expo delivery Oceanarium Park to pay debt – Journal News

In a statement on Friday with the Securities and Exchange Commission, Expo Park states that “the total amount of the transaction was 54.2 million euros” and that the Foundation is intended to regulate part of the debt to the state resulting from the implementation of guarantee bond and partial amortization of loan granted by DGTF (Directorate General of Treasury and Finance).

The loan was granted following the company’s integration in the general government sector, adds the Expo Park.

The Park Expo had delivered in February, the Pavilion of Portugal in exchange for payment of the debt to the state.

The liquidation plan of the Expo Park will be completed by next year and passes implement a plan with four areas. sale of real estate and investments, management interventions of urban and environmental improvement, completion of ongoing projects and the reduction of human resources

At the time, the company said that the plan to the Lisbon Oceanarium going to keep the property in the state, but adopting a model of “granting of exploration activity and administration”.

According to the same document, after settled the debts, the use of assets Port Marina Park of Nations will be for the State, under the jurisdiction of the Port of Lisbon.


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