Saturday, September 6, 2014

Steps hits record in amendments to state budgets – Reuters

Steps hits record in amendments to state budgets – Reuters







Since 2011, and with a budget year ahead, the executive Pedro Passos Coelho has prepared eight State Budget (OE) Amending (two each year), which places it as the government of democracy that most often amended the law which are inscribed the estimated revenue and expenditure. It is twice the number of budget proposals that the current executive has already developed or will develop briefly (taking into account what is already in the budget preparation for 2015).


                     More than once, the corrections were a response to the Constitutional Court leads to budgetary measures. All because of the consolidation of public accounts agreed with the troika or the fulfillment of the goals of deficit traded with European partners.

From the first constitutional government, there have been 35 amending budgets , according to data compiled by the PUBLIC from the records of the Directorate-General of Budget (DGO) and the division of information legislation and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Republic.

Only Cavaco Silva has, as prime minister, higher number of changes to budgets (nine) than Steps, but changes have happened over the three terms as head of state for ten years.

In a single legislature, Steps not only has eight amending as OE is the only Prime Minister who, every year, the budget has changed more than once. With José Sócrates and António Guterres also happened to be two corrections in the same year, but each only once did (in 2001 and 2009, respectively).

The first amending OE date of 1977 was called “Changing the State Budget.” And since the first constitutional government, led by Mário Soares, amend the budget law was becoming usual, or because the required budget execution, either because the change of government took the new executive to change course. And so it happened, for example, in the passages of government Guterres to Barroso and then Santana Lopes to José Sócrates. Already before, both Mário Soares and Maria de Lourdes Pintasilgo, Francisco Sá Carneiro, Francisco Pinto Balsemão or Cavaco were required to submit corrections.

It was early in the term in 2011 in the aftermath of the arrival of troika , that the current government has launched the first amending, increasing the public debt limit to accommodate the state’s support to the solvency of banks.

And change the budget through a proposed law would mark the governance of Passos Coelho, with either Vítor Gaspar want with Maria Luís Albuquerque in front of the Ministry of Finance. The last Amending Council received the green light on extraordinary ministers on Tuesday and is, again, a measure to ensure compliance with the annual deficit target, in this case 4%.

shrink when year where the PSD / CDS coalition governance assumes, 2011: in August, Gaspar stars in the Amending Budget, and in October, it is time to make a new change simultaneously with the budget for 2012, the first amending the current executive.

At issue was integration, budgeting, revenue from personal income tax surcharge that cut half of the Christmas bonus. But also budgetary changes that resulted from the new structure of the Government and changes in public administration.

In 2012, the first full year in office Steps are made of two new changes. The first proposal in March, moves in the budget appropriations: is revised upwards the estimated expenditure on unemployment benefits, is revised downwards the allocation for interest, are enhanced transfers to the National Health Service and increase the charges because the transfer of pension funds in the BPN to the sphere of CGA.

The second amendment arrives in October, with the adoption of measures providing for an increase in revenue and strengthening expenditure appropriations in sub-state autonomous funds and services.

The following year, the OE is the third consecutive year revised twice. In the first amendment of May is the revised value of the public deficit, with the replacement of holiday pay to public employees and pensioners (after the lead TC), is revised up spending on unemployment benefits and enhanced budgetary allocation for the payment of debts of regional local government and the NHS. And as in previous years, the executive returns to present a new amendment simultaneously with the proposed Budget for the following year, reviewing the deficit target to 5.8% of GDP.




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