Saturday, April 16, 2016

João Salgueiro praises Elisa Ferreira but has doubts about “bad bank” – Jornal de Negócios – Portugal

“It would be better if all together we decided we needed to have a financial system that would help the economy grow and the Portuguese to take credit for their initiatives, and that this was a national objective. But now followed a path the Portuguese, which is appoint a deputy governor [Ferreira] that will help make it happen. ” It is a name you like, asked TSF: “Yes, yes, come in its own time, had an excellent work at European level, this can help the EU realize better what is happening in Portugal and be treated better than we are being “.

The words are João Salgueiro, former finance minister, former deputy governor and former chairman of Cash, told TSF when faced not only with the name of Elisa Ferreira to be appointed deputy governor of the Bank of Portugal, but also asked to comment on the cases that have put the Bank of Portugal under fire, particularly with regard to the banks that have fallen and that cost taxpayers money.

John Salgueiro comes out in defense of the institution led by Carlos Costa, as he says, do not have the means of judicial bodies and also take in these years.

“The financial sector authorities have to accept what you are told and certified,” he adds, noting that in the case of BES everything indicated that was fine.

As for the vehicle the bad debt, João Salgueiro raises doubts. “It would make sense if we had solved the underlying problem,” the economy, productivity and creation of conditions for attracting investment. “We will make a vehicle to resolve the bad credit past without growth prospects, will not solve the problem of trust.”

On the other hand, “do not know what model. Spain has done this for years, Italy is still negotiating. Where does the money based on what rules?” he asked, assuming it will not be easy to be accepted within the European Union.

in the same interview, João Salgueiro ends up defending the merger of New Bank with another bank and appoint BCP, creating a second major Portuguese bank. Go to the market to get the money for this to happen, says the former deputy governor, saying that “the more diverse is this money better.”


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