Two Portuguese experts of aquaponics area argue that a system ecological combining production of fish and plants for food, with environmental advantages, is a challenge for scientific research and can be investment opportunity for Portuguese companies.
This method, already developed in some countries, combines aquaculture, or fish production in “nursery”, with production plants in a closed system, and the waste produced by the animals are transformed into natural fertilizer to nourish plants.
José Lino Costa , researcher at the Faculty of Science, University of Lisbon (FCUL) and the expert and trainer John Cotter in this area, explained to Lusa that plants, to consume those substances, filter and leave cleaner water where the fish will grow “healthily” .
The research and years of study of aquaponics led John Cotter to propose to FCUL conducting a course on the subject, which ran until March 21 and, according to his mentor, “had many stakeholders, “despite the national recognition of this activity, in particular for obtaining the license, is not yet defined.
” It is a production system that is innovative and tries to combine sustainable means under environmentally has an aquaculture component and a production [plant] and the idea is to get in an integrated and sustainable manner, producing food or living creatures (fish), “developed José Lino Costa.
With regard to advantages, the researcher points out that there is “much less waste” since when producing vegetables, of the nutrients may be lost and in this case, can be availed by animals.
The researcher explains that the waste produced by the animals and “other products that may be utilized by plants and the big advantage is that plants and animals end up benefiting simultaneously from each other, so there is less production of toxic products, it saves energy, and more recycling of the elements themselves between the various components of the small cosmos that way. “
It also notes that Portugal has good capacity to develop this activity, not only” because it has a huge biodiversity “but also because “The climate also helps.” These factors contributed to the interest of the research center in marine science, MARE, which brings together 500 researchers, with centers in eight universities around the country, and you want to bet on innovative topics, connected to society and business.
There are experimental situations, but it is necessary to “validate what is being done, and above all do research to be scientifically supported more technical,” he added, citing the creation of a start-up within the MARE, that “can help create the necessary capital” to bet on aquaponics, area with “potential for development.”
John Cotter says that in Portugal “we are still in a very early stage and, in terms of legislation, we have many limitations, especially in licensing for the species, “for the most interesting for this type of production, are exotic, ie they are not natural in the country.
Although not certified as organic production , “the quality of the fish is higher than the biological” as they are not used chemicals or drugs, highlighted yet.
While most of the European Union it is possible to develop the system with restrictions, in Portugal “the prohibition is total, “despite the” great potential in terms of investment, “said the expert.
In Portugal there are several species that adapt to aquaponics, of which, the expert highlights the trout, that” has a temperature problem of water “, or carp, which” is produced very well and good profitability in terms of plants, but has no commercial value. “
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