Wednesday, April 15, 2015

the increase of hotel income – PressTUR

  Presstur 15/04/2015 (16h32)

  The hotel industry in the Lisbon region totaled 13.8 million increase in income in the first two months of this year, which means that obtained 56.1% of the total increase in income of the sector in this period according PressTUR calculations from the INE data released today.
The strong concentration of increased income in properties in Lisbon reflects first its own growth, by 23.5% in value of total income, to 72.8 million euros in the first two months of the year, reflecting increased number of guests by 10.2% to 565,100 and overnight stays by 19.3% to 642,100, as well as a rise in average revenues per guest and overnight, respectively by 6.6% to 127.3 euros, and by 2.2% to 56.7 euros.
But the concentration in Lisbon also reflects the fact that the Algarve be having a more difficult winter than in 2014, with their establishments to have an increase in total income of only 3%, while the average increase in the country was 15%, particularly that in February, although the total of the sector has risen 12.5%, Algarve there was a slight decrease by 0.4%.
So, throughout the first two months of the year, the tourist accommodation in the Algarve is with only 3.3% of the total increase in income (813 thousand euros) and reaches 14.9% of total revenues, with 28 28 million, when the first two months of 104 was 16.7%.
PressTUR calculations show that, after Lisbon, the increases of the Portuguese tourist accommodation revenues were essentially north of the Tagus, with Porto and North to be 15.2% (EUR 3.7 million) and the Centre with 11.7% (2.9 million).
This was followed by Madeira, with 9.7% (2.4 million), the Algarve, then the Alentejo, with 2.7% (0.67 million), and the Azores, with 1, 3% (0.3 million).
Lisbon was the region where the tourist accommodation had the strongest increase in the first two months, 23.5% to 72.8 million, euros, followed by the Centre, with 19.4% to 17.8 million, Oporto and North, with + 16.3% to 26.8 million, Alentejo, with 13.9%, to 5.5 million, the Azores, with 12.4% to 2.8 million, Madeira, with + 7.2% to 35.5 million, and the Algarve, with + 3%, to 28.3 million.
So, the total of 189.6 million euros of the total income of the Portuguese tourist accommodation establishments in the first two months of this year, 38.4% were in establishments of Lisbon, 18.7% in Madeira, 14, 9% in the Algarve, 14.1% in Porto and North, 9.4% in the Central, 2.9% in the Alentejo and 1.5% in the Azores.
PressTUR calculations show that, however, only Lisbon and Algarve had these increased revenues by developments in high demand (guests and overnight stays) as also by increases in average revenue per overnight stay.
In Lisbon, the hotel establishments had on average 57.4 euros income per overnight stay, + 3.5% than in the first two months of 2014 and in the Algarve, the increase was 3.2%, to 30, 6 euros.
At the opposite pole, with the largest falls were the Azores, with a fall in average revenue per overnight stay in 12.6% to 37.9 euros, and the Alentejo, with -10.4%, to 45, 6 euros,
Wood, North and Central also had average revenue declines for the overnight stay, but less than 1%, respectively by 0.8% to 43.9 euros, 0.4% to 46.1 euros, and 0.3% to 44.4 euros.
Regarding the evolution of overnight stays, the PressTUR calculations show that Lisbon holds 45% (204,800) of the 455,400 overnight stays that the Portuguese tourist accommodation added in the first two months of this year, followed by Porto and North, with 18.4% (83,700), the Centre, with 14.5% (65,900), Madeira, with 13.2% (60,200), Alentejo, with 5.6% (25 700), and the Azores, with 3.7% (16 700).
The hotel in the Algarve, in turn, had a drop in overnight stays by 0.2% to 924,000, which was to fully due to a fall in international demand, with a drop in foreign overnight stays in 3 , 7% or 29 800 to 770 500, the rising demand for residents in Portugal (+ 22.3% or more 28 000 to 153 500) did not compensate fully.
This evolution in low international demand in the Algarve contrasts with what happened in Lisbon, which was the region concentrated 72.3% of the total increase of foreign residents overnight stays (+ 9.5% or more 244, 4000), with an increase of 24.5% or 176 700 to 897 100.
The other regions that benefited most from the growth of foreign overnight stays were the Wood, with 18.2% of the total increase, with over 44,400 (+ 18.2% to 734 500), the Oporto and North, with 15.1% or more 37,000 (+ 18.1% to 241 000), the Azores, with 3.7% or more nine thousand (+ 41.2% to 30,800) , center, with 1.7% or more 4100 (+ 4.3% to 101,600), and Alentejo, with 1.2% or more 2900 (+ 9.9% to 31 800).
In residents overnight stays in Portugal, the region led the growth was the center and was left with 29.3% of the total increase of 210,900, to add another 61,800 (+ 26% to 299 100).
This was followed by Porto and North, with 22.2% of the total increase or more 46 700 (+ 15.9% to 340,400), Lisbon, with 13.3% or more 28 , 1000 (+ 8.2% to 370,900), Algarve, with 13.3% or more 28,000 (+ 22.3% to 153,500), Alentejo, with 10.8% or more 22 800 (+ 34.5% to 88,800), Wood, with 7.5% or more 15,800 (+ 27.2% to 73,700), and the Azores, with 3.7% 7.7 billion or more (21% to 44.5 mil).

Click to read:
Brazil is the issuer with the largest increases in overnight stays Portuguese hospitality
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