Tuesday, December 13, 2016

The injured will need 3 years to recover the investment – Cash

The injured BES will not be able to recover more than 490 million euros (433 million euros that there were already about 60 million in interest), but these two thousand people are expected to be able to recover more than half of the investment (eur 280 million), which they did in the commercial paper of the companies of the Espirito Santo group.

The agreement is expected to be announced by the prime minister, António Costa, this Friday. To that found the Cash, more than 90% of the injured parties should be required to adhere to the solution that will be displayed.

However will be accurate for at least three years to recover the agreed value. That is, all the evidence suggests that the tranches will be delivered in 2017, 2018 and 2019, although the term formal power stretch up to five years, or 2021.

Example: a specific case of an injured party with an investment of 100 thousand euros will only recover 75%, or 75 thousand euros.

The same rule applies to those who invested 500 thousand euros or whether it will receive 75% of the capital, but there is a maximum value stipulated of 250 thousand euros. Compared to those who invested 100 thousand euros is this the same investor who exits benefited.

The first installment to be paid will be 30% of this value and is estimated to happen interview the months of march to June next. Doing the math: 30 billion euros in 2017, more 22.500 euros in 2018, and the remaining 22.500 euros in 2019.

Who applied to more than 500 thousand euros will receive half of the capital, but here there is not a minimum limit. that is, anyone who has invested 800 thousand euros, recovers 400 thousand.

If the injured party has invested 1 million euro also recovers half of the value. of Those 500 thousand euros recovered, is expected to receive 300 thousand euros in 2017, 125 thousand euros

in 2018, and the remaining 125 thousand euros in 2018.

Says the agreement that the payment can be done within a period of three years to a maximum of five years, but you know the Cash that the goal of the Executive is to fulfill the three years, closing the legislature with the subject line tidy and, of course, capitalizing politically on a solution with the stamp of the contraption.

The Catholic University had conducted a study with the various scenarios and their impact on public accounts. If this matter has dragged for over eight years, the impact could spend of approximately 490 billion euros to 600 billion euros.

in the Face of the giant snowball that was to transform this theme, the Executive and the Bank of Portugal, featured the theme among the priorities. The document that will be presented this Friday reflected one of the recommendations of the CPI – Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry.

The BdP approved the final proposal that assigns to the resolution fund, which is owned by the largest banks, a large part of the financial burden of the solution agreed with the Government, the SECURITIES market commission, the Association of Injured parties and the Bank of Portugal.

The public accounts are thus also safeguarded, one of the conditions imposed by the executive that it does not affect the deficit.


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