Monday, December 12, 2016

US launches new app at the N Play… a style of Netflix – Follow

as already happens in the MEO and Vodafone, it happened to US also offers an app that lets you have access to the service in the platform, wherever it is. This is an even easier way to access the catalogue of films and series.

During the weekend of Christmas, this service will be of free access to customers IN the.


as Many as the content made available on this service which has already won the Portuguese, noting that in 2016 more than 2.4 million views, and the election as Product of the Year.

Through the new app at the N Play the subscribers of the service shall be the facilitated access to the catalog content of the service also on your PC, tablet and smartphone, whenever and wherever they want.

The experience of the service is cross-cutting and continuous between platforms being able to access through the TV, content that if left in the middle or if you have selected to watch

later through the app (customers). Of equal way it is possible to start to see movies and series in the app and send to continue to see in the box (clients Iris and A).

The app is also intuitive with a direct access to content Kids that allows children to select directly your favorite programs.

For a full use of the app at the N Play, offers US, during the month of December, traffic free to customers with packages IN 4, 5, and customers of the mobile network with access to ON TV.

Between January and October of this year the N Play told with more than 2.4 million views and 2.3 million hours viewed between series, movies and cartoons.


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