did you Know that many years ago, the penis human had bone? Well, it is true, and scientists now know the why of your disappearance: was monogamy. Some mammals also have a bone in the penis, called baculum, and that, in a monkey, can be the size of a finger and, in a sea lion, you can go almost to 70 centimeters… but the human being lost it completely in their travel by the time. And the cause is in the monogamy and speed mating human, account of the Guardian, , which cites a recent scientific study.
For those who study the evolution of the bones, this seems to be a genuine phenomenon of analysis. Still that has gone missing in the human being, the baculum still exists in some mammals and is extremely varied in their size and shape. In fact, the researchers claim that this is the bone more diverse that ever existed.

Multiple baculum, a set of animals that still retain the bone.
The most recent study, inspired by the diversity of the bones that were being found in the animal kingdom, managed to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the baculum, from your appearance in mammals and primates, to your disappearance in humans. Scientists were able to then ascertain various facts, such as:
- the bone of The penis began to develop in the mammals there are approximately 95 million years;
- Was present in the first primates there are approximately 50 million years;
- throughout history, the baculum has become the largest in animals and less in;
Kit Opie, the scientist who led the study at the University of London, said that the length of the bone of the penis was greater in males who were in relationships that lasted more than three minutes, or more long. This is a strategy used for the male to be able to ensure that the female gets pregnant and that, at the same time, stay away from other males. The baculum, which lodges in the tip of the penis and not at the base, makes that there is a structural support highest in animals that have sex the longest.
In the monkeys, for example, the size of the bone of the penis is close to the size of a finger human. This is because the monkeys keep links of about seven seconds. This form of mating is very short due to the fact that of the females mate with almost all males, in order to avoid that the chicks are being killed by the older ones, said Kit Opie, according to The Guardian.
This gives males the idea that they may have been they generate creates and, therefore, it is in your interest to do it quickly," says Kit Opie.
The man, in turn, should have lost the bone of the penis there are approximately 1.9 million years, when there was Homo Erectus and the strategy of reproductive happened to be monogamy, believe the scientists. According to the theory, men, when you begin to relationships monógamas, they no longer feel the obligation to penetrate the woman for a long time, because there are no longer the danger of other men trying to mate with them.
We believe that it was at this time that the baculum of man has completely disappeared, because the system of mating has changed, at some point," said Kit, continuing, "This may have been the last nail in the coffin for a baculum that it was already reduced and disappeared in the human ancestors. With the reduction of competition for mating is no longer necessary to the existence of a baculum. Despite what you might think, we are actually one of the species that mates in less than three minutes."
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