Friday, August 19, 2016

Ford wants to produce autonomous cars in droves to Uber type services – publico





Several brands have already signaled their intention to have the roads autonomous cars somewhere at the turn of the decade. But Ford has now made a very specific promise:. In 2021 is to mass produce fully autonomous vehicles for use in Uber style services

At a press conference on Tuesday, the historical American manufacturer said it plans to triple this year the number of autonomous vehicles, to read about 30 units on the roads, with the aim of returning to triple the fleet in 2017. it will also double the number of people working in Palo Alto an important technological centers in California. Finally, he announced investments and partnerships with four startups working on technologies such as sensors and three-dimensional maps.

The statements of the CEO of Ford, Mark Fields, were ambitious, to compare the impact of the cars that drive themselves with the assembly line implemented by the brand’s founder, Henry Ford, who created the first automobile low cost and revolutionized factory production processes. “The next decade will be defined by the automation of the car, and we see autonomous vehicles have an impact on society as significant as had the Ford assembly line for 100 years,” said Fields. “We are devoting ourselves to put on the road an autonomous vehicle that can improve safety and solve social and environmental problems for millions of people -. Not just for those who can afford luxury vehicles”

The company but is not focusing on creating models to be used as private cars. The idea is that the vehicles – which will have no steering wheel or pedals – are part of fleets of car sharing or car with driver services, the style of Uber. It is a scenario that has been advocated by some experts: the autonomous cars will function as a kind of public transport. Also Uber has said one of its objectives is to compete with the cars themselves, eliminating the need to purchase the car, especially for a segment of young consumers and urban who prefer the convenience of calling a car with mobile phone than the expense and logistics associated with having a car

to realize the plan, Ford announced that it had bought the isrealita company Saips and a partnership with the American Nirenberg Neuroscience -. both develop technology that computers can “see” the environment around them and draw from this information. Also invested in Maps Civil American (that makes three-dimensional maps) and Velodyne (which produces sensors).

The idea of ​​making autonomous cars has put manufacturers to work with various technology companies to try to overcome the challenge of having vehicles able to walk safely in roads, particularly in urban environments confused. The technology still has flaws. Google has acknowledged that its autonomous cars have had several accidents. At the end of June, the driver of a Tesla died when the car continued on autopilot. Neither the driver nor the car will have noticed a truck that crossed the road in front of them. According to the brand, the sunlight have prevented the vehicle to “see” the truck.




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