Sunday, November 20, 2016

The rights of the child – Vision

it Was on November 20th of 1959 that, for the first time, the United Nations approved a document that established the rights of children all over the world.

In the Declaration of the Rights of Children were set down ten principles that all children should see it respected.

In 1989, this documented has increased and these duties towards children began to be obligations, by law, to the Convention on the Rights of the Child!

it Is the task of the adults and of the rulers to protect the children and make with that your rights are respected. the you Are a citizen and have the same rights as other people, whether adults or children!

your participation in the choices of the family, in the decisions of the school and in the affairs of the society is very important! The more you say what you think, you think, and feel, the more easily the adults realize what is good for you.

in addition, to participate in aid to improve decisions about things that affect and can protect you and you protect. When you participate, you learn to communicate, negotiate, make decisions, and get what you want. And, of course, you’ll feel more important and that you contribute so that things can improve!

Article 2 - The children should be treated “. without any discrimination, regardless of any consideration of race, color, sex, language, religion…or other status.”

Article 3 - “In all actions concerning children… the best interests of the child will be taken primarily addressed to account.”

Articles 5 and 18 – The States Parties to “respect the… responsibilities, rights and duties of parents, and recognize that both parents have common responsibilities for the upbringing and development of the child.”

Article 6 “… the child has the inherent right to life… survival and development…”

Articles 7 and 8 - “The child shall be registered immediately after birth and… have the right… to a name… to acquire a nationality… (and) to preserve its identity…”

Articles 9 and 10 - “… the child shall not be separated from their parents against the will of these…” and has the right to leave any country and enter their “for the purpose of family reunification…”

Articles 12 and 14 – “… the child with the capacity for discernment () the right to freely express your opinion (e) the right to freedom of… thought, conscience and religion.”

Article 16 - “No child can be subject to interference of arbitrary or illegal in their private life… nor to unlawful attacks on his honour and reputation.

Article 19 – children should be protected from “… maltreatment or exploitation including sexual violence, while if they come under the guardianship of their parents or one of them…”

Articles 20 and 21 - The States should ensure that “… an alternative protection…” child “… deprived of his family environment…” (according to) “… the best interests of the child…”

Article 22 - “… the child that requires the refugee status or who is considered a refugee…” (should) receive ” appropriate protection and humanitarian assistance….”

Article 23 - “The States Parties recognize the child mentally and physically disabled the right to a full and decent life in conditions which ensure his dignity…”

Article 24 - All children have the right to “… enjoy the best state of health possible…” (including access to) the “… primary health care, …nutritious food… drinking water…”

Article 27 - Every child has “… the right to a standard of living sufficient to allow their physical, mental, spiritual, moral and social.” Since the adoption of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, countries have created national laws to put it into practice.

Articles 28 and 29 - THE States Parties must recognize “… the right of the child to education…” (the end of) “to promote the development of the child’s personality, gifts and skills, mental and physical….”

Article 30 - No child belonging to an indigenous population or ethnic minority “… you may be deprived of the right of, jointly with members of his group, have their own cultural life, to profess and practise their own religion or to use their own language. “

Article 31 - The States Parties recognize the right of the child “… to rest and leisure, the right to engage in play and recreational activities appropriate to their age. “

Articles 32 and 36 - The child must be “protected from economic exploitation or performing any work that is dangerous…” and “… against all forms of exploitation…”

Article 33 The States Parties must “…protect children from the illicit use of narcotic drugs… and to prevent the use in the production and trafficking of such substances.”

Article 34 “The States Parties undertake to protect the child from all forms of sexual exploitation and sexual abuse.”

Article 35 - The States Parties must take “… all appropriate measures… to prevent the abduction, sale or trafficking of children, whatever their purpose or form.”

Article 37 – “No child shall be subjected to torture or penalties or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment… (or) deprived of their liberty unlawfully or arbitrarily…”

Article 40 - The child is suspected, accused of, or recognized as guilty has the right “… to a treatment that is able to foster their sense of dignity and worth… and which takes into account your age…”

Article 42 “The States Parties undertake to make it widely known … the principles and the provisions of this Convention, as much by adults as by children.”


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