Saturday, October 4, 2014

Radiography New Bank is already made and meets ratios – Economic

Radiography New Bank is already made and meets ratios – Economic

Ana Maria Barroso

zero base balance is essential to the sale of the institution step. Closed accounts show that the bank does not need more capital.

It’s finally closed the ‘zero base’ New Bank document deemed vital for the process of selling the institution can move forward swing. Until next week will be the official end of this universe bridge bank that was born on August 4, a result of withdrawal of Banco Espírito Santo (BES ) taken the day before, on the first Sunday of the month. As a result, we will know exactly which is the starting point of the New Bank and what was left behind in the ‘bad bank’. Whether it will or will not be made public, it is still early to know.

When you know the Economic Daily, the final numbers this rocking boot Novo Banco follows that the financial institution led by Eduardo Stock wedge does not need more extra capital from Euro 4.9 billion injected when solving. The common equity tier 1 ratio of the bank was, when did this bridge bank, to 8.5%.

This doubt came to be on the table, taking into account the fact that a first, fast , separation of assets when the resolution was announced. Adjustments to this division between BES and the New Bank could also mean, in the end, hit the capital needs of the bank. Still, and like BCP BPI


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