Friday, February 19, 2016

ANAC puts business TAP concerned? Government expects to see – iOnline

The problem is that the agreement signed by António Costa to ensure 50% of the airline was made with Humberto Pedrosa and David Neeleman, the same consortium that the FAA says now does not comply with European rules. Nevertheless, the Minister of Equipment and Infrastructure does not want to rush, explaining that this document has not yet regard to the memorandum signed by the Government of Costa.


“A report of this importance for the future of TAP deserves a detailed analysis,” said the minister, stressing always that the Government has not even sent to ANAC the instruments concerning the new composition of the company that runs the signed agreement.


As the precautionary measures imposed following the opinion, that leave the current management in TAP for three months, the minister assures normal.


“TAP will live keeping their normal functioning,” says Pedro Marques, who continues to believe that the solution found by the government was the best.


“If we had not concluded this memorandum of understanding, the situation would be much worse” he says.



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