Monday, February 8, 2016

Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs refuses to increase the tax burden – TSF Online

Rocha Andrade admits that the state budget has no tax scenario envisioned by the government. The Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs prefers to say that all planes have hit. In this case, they came after negotiations with Brussels.

The journalist Victor Rodrigues Oliveira interview the Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs, Andrade Rocha

in an interview this morning on TSF, Secretary of State for Fiscal Affairs confessed to “very difficult” to hear that there is a general increase taxes with the draft State budget of the executive.

PSD and CDS have insisted that this budget is a giant tax increase, but Rocha Andrade argues the opposite. The executive expects growth of 6.6% in tax revenue from indirect taxes, but Rocha Andrade is careful to emphasize that the tax burden was even cut short when compared to the previous government plans.

“The burden tax present this Budget is lower about 700 million euros “than that with which the PSD / CDS government had agreed with Brussels.

Rocha Andrade insists, saying that” the tax increase naturally with inflation and economic growth. ” Therefore, “most of the increase in indirect taxes is simply the normal movement of the tax adapting to price and income level.”

lower yields without TSU in 2017

the Secretary of State still left in the air expecting to see into force from January 1 next year, one of the flags of António Costa: the descent of the TSU for workers with higher incomes low, less than 600 euros per month.

the immediate application of this measure was eventually abandoned in the negotiations with Brussels, but Rocha Andrade does not believe that its delay affects the credibility of Mr Costa.

“the PS has presented a program for four years and the government has just over 70 days. it is perhaps a bit picky want the government to run its entire four-year program before completing three months.”

the Secretary of State considers that the most serious would be the government “abandon their promises or reverse the course of the policy it has set,” which is not the case, he says. “Make calendar adjustments is very different to rule in the opposite direction.”

Transportation not increase

In this interview with TSF, Rocha Andrade still left the warranty it will not be because of the increase in tax on oil products that tickets and public transport passes will increase in price.

in an industry in which, as a rule, increases have been defined by inflation , Secretary of State reminds the government’s decision to grant tax benefits to companies, so they can better withstand the worsening of the ISP.

the EO provides that companies can deduct on IRC costs incurred with the increase this tax. Hence Rocha Andrade ensure that “it will not be this way” that there will be repercussions in the price of transport.

Rocha Andrade, recalling that this is a state budget that requires rigorous implementation ensures that the government assumes no responsibility for any future shortcomings in the implementation of the same, refusing to fix blame on Brussels.


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