Sunday, February 5, 2017

CGTP asks the Government to clarify if he promised to bosses not to move in labour laws – TVI24

The secretary-general of the CGTP argues that the Government has to clarify quickly if you made a commitment with the employers ‘ associations do not stir it in the labour laws to ensure the social dialogue agreement.

If there was some agreement with the employer confederations for not moving in labour legislation, I think that this is unacceptable, and good will that the government quickly clarify its position publicly, if there are some secret agreements or if there is not, because for us the things must be made transparent", accentuated Arménio Carlos in an interview to the Business and to Antena1, that the radio will pass from 13:00.

The union leader said that, if the executive take on that ‘ there was a gentleman’s agreement to not stir in the labour legislation, from there the conversation happens to be another one."

Armenian Carlos was considered to have reached "the time of the parties, whether HP wants to the PCP, the BE and the PEV, to make the significant jump in the change of policy, seeking to respond to what are need s and concerns of the workers and of our population ", leaving a warning.

If we don’t have the answers more clear and unambiguous on the part of the government in the coming times, this means that things are going to complicate", stressed, asking for measures in the area of labour and social affairs.

As to the contestation of the social, the leader of the central union stated that "it will depend on the Government", admitting that "makes sense" to talk of a general strike "if the executive does not give answer" what are the expectations of the workers.

we Say to the government: please be advised that from here the dialogue and negotiation must have some efficacy. And, to be effective, you must have an answer" emphasized.

Armenian Carlos was also the intervention of the President of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, on the issue of increasing the national minimum wage (NMW) and in the social dialogue agreement.

For the leader of the CGTP, Marcelo "intruded in this area, in a very exposed" and "could have had a different type of intervention, the more cautious and restrained".

from The moment that she announced that she was engaged in a medium term that would be in addition to the legislature from the outset was to undermine the process that was the start", argues, arguing that if it was to discuss the minimum wage and, after the intervention of the President, the "put everything in the same bag". "From this point of view there are certain type of interventions that can be avoided", he argued, concluding that "hurry eventually lead to evil."

As to the agreement of the parties on the left, Armenian Carlos recalled that there is "a situation in which the commitments are virtually sold-out", warning: "the worst thing that could happen, even to assert a difference with what took place with the government PSD/CDS and with the troika, it was starting a process and we come now to the middle and constarmos that this had come to a halt."

A process must be evolutionary and must seek to go always further, to respond to the needs of the people and of the people", he argued, whereas "there is the part of the government the sign of a step forward to answer some of the raw" that the CGTP considers fundamental.

"The Government should be more attentive to shake off some of the external and internal pressures. Not if you can now leave the hostage or of the vested interests or groups, duly identified, groups that are seeking to benefit from what the taxes paid by workers and by retirees come from the budget", he concluded.


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