Thursday, October 13, 2016

Computer problems only arise if the allowance in twelfths is optional – the Public.en

The Ministry of Finance clarified on Wednesday that the computer problems related with the payment of a Christmas bonus only if you put if, in the next year, is given to public officials the possibility to elect to receive in twelfths or in full.

Without unveiling what will be the decision in this matter, the official source of the Ministry of Finance explained to Lusa that the difficulties referred to this morning, during the meetings between the Government, the trade unions of the public function, relate only to the hypothesis of the twelfths to be optional instead of being mandatory like currently.

The output of a meeting with the secretaries of State of public Administration, Carolina Tool, and Fiscal Affairs, Rocha Andrade, the Union of the Four Technicians of the State (STE) said that members of the Government warned that any changes to the payment of the allowance may not be operating early in January.

"The secretary of State for Tax Affairs, Fernando Rocha Andrade] said that there might not be time for that [a potential move] will be operational in January, because it will be complicated to make the change of computer systems", explained to the PUBLIC Helena Rodrigues, president of the STE.

The responsible of the union structure (which represents more than four independent unions) reminds us that in the notebook learnt through inevitable clashes between sent to the Government on the issue of twelfths nor is it raised by the STE. But, asked about what is their position in relation to the subject, warning that public officials should be able to choose if they want to receive the subsidy over 12 months or for the whole. And justifies that "payments have been suffering a massive erosion since 2009", something that becomes more visible if we remove the twelfth.

The question also came up in the meeting with the Front of the trade Union for the Public Administration (Fesap). Joseph Abraham, one of the leaders of this structure, came out of the meeting with the idea that the final solution is not yet closed and says that these difficulties to which the secretary of State refers to is "the conversation."

"When was it for us to impose [the previous Government PDS/CDS] the twelfths not had difficulties and now there is already", it stresses, noting that the framework advocates the payment in full in November of each year.

The meeting had as main theme the State Budget for 2017 and the proposals and political unions.

THE STE asks for a salary increase of 2% in the next year, and the ascent of the meal allowance of 4.25 for the five euros. Notebook learnt through inevitable clashes between is also the replacement of the payment of the additional work and the thawing of the progressions.

Already the Fesap requires an update of the salaries by the inflation and bet everything on the revision of the positions of the single wage table, that have been abosrvidas by the increase in the minimum wage. The replacement of the payment of the extra work, the increase of the meal allowance and the thawing of the progressions are other priorities.

The Common Front, which was coordinated by Ana Avoila, requires wage increases of 4%, with a minimum of 50 euros a month per worker, and wants a meal allowance up to 6,50 euros. Notebook learnt through inevitable clashes between approved at the end of September is still part of the increase in the minimum wage to 600 euros for the replacement of the payment of overtime or the thawing of careers.


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